Catholic Bestsellers
What's hot in Catholic books? For this answer we turn to the Bestsellers list of the Catholic Book Publisher's Association. Here's the list as of September 2004:
1. The Rhythm of Life
Matthew Kelly, Beacon Publishing (1929266014)
2. John Paul II: Lessons for Living
Pope John Paul II, Loyola Press (0829420592)
3. Rediscovering Catholicism
Matthew Kelly, Beacon Publishing (1929266081)
4. Notre Dame vs. The Klan
Todd Tucker, Loyola Press (0829417710)
5. Called to Question
Joan Chittister, Sheed & Ward (1580511430)
6. Catechism of the Catholic Church
Doubleday (0385479670) Gift Edition (0385508190)
Our Sunday Visitor (0879739770)
USCCB Publishing (1574551094)
7. The Holy Longing
Ronald Rolheiser, Doubleday (0385494181)
8. The Book of Courage
Matthew Kelly, Beacon Publishing (1929266103)
9. Autumn
Schmidt & Felch, SkyLight Paths Publishing (1594730059)
10. Lord, Have Mercy
Scott Hahn, Doubleday (0385501706)
1. Catechism of the Catholic Church
Doubleday (0385479670)
Our Sunday Visitor (0879739762)
USCCB Publishing (1574551108)
2. Handbook for Today's Catholic
A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication, Liguori Publications (0764812203)
3. Waiting in Joyful Hope
Robert F. Morneau, Liturgical Press (081462894X)
4. Encounters with Merton
Henri J. M. Nouwen, Crossroad (0824521498)
5. Prayer in All Things
Ritger & Kwatera, Liturgical Press (0814629814)
6. RB 1980: The Rule of St. Benedict
Liturgical Press (0814612725)
7. The Passionate Troubadour
Edward Hays, Ave Maria Press/Forest of Peace (0939516691)
8. De-coding DaVinci
Amy Welborn, Our Sunday Visitor (1592761011)
9. A Guide to the Passion
Pinto, D’Ambrosio, Shea, Thigpen, Allen, Ascension Press (193264542X)
10. Teresa of Avila
Shirley du Boulay, BlueBridge (0974240524)