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Monday, April 11, 2005

3 Prayer Styles: Vocal Prayers, Meditation on Vocal Prayers, Meditation on Gospels

Prayer life a bit ... off course, shall we say? Popular Catholic blogger Father Jim Tucker gives simple, concrete instructions for three prayer styles for Catholics today: vocal prayer, meditation upon the vocal prayers, and meditation upon the life of Christ in the Gospel.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Science Fiction/Fantasy Authors of Various Faiths

This is cool - a comprehensive list of religious SF/F authors. Some examples from the Catholic section:
  • John Briggs [Born Catholic. Raised Catholic and Protestant.] For Our Sins
  • Robert Hugh Benson [Converted from Anglican to Catholic] SF/F: Lord of the World (1907); The Dawn of All (1911); The Light Invisible (1903); A Mirror of Shalott (1907). Non-fiction: Confessions of a Convert (autobiography); The Religion of the Plain Man. Historical novels: By What Authority? (1904); The King's Achievement (1905). Wrote 27 books, incl. 17 novels
  • J.R.R. Tolkien [See FAMOUS list.]
It's also interesting to look at the Science Fiction/Fantasy authors from other denominations and other faiths.

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