What's on my Kindle
* Aquinas 101 (Selman) ($10)
* A Shorter Summa (Aquinas, Kreeft) ($10)
* The Ignatius Bible ($10)
* The Catechism of the Catholic Church (Yes, you can download the CCC as a plain-text file, but the website making it available does not seem to have obtained permission from the USCCB to make it available)
* Missal (Extraordinary Form) http://www.allsaintsrichford.org/Latin-English%20Missal.pdf
* Missal (Ordinary Form, old) (Copy and paste into a text file) http://www.stjosephsdarlaston.co.uk/order_of_mass.htm
* Missal (Ordinary Form, new) http://paulo123.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/English_translation_of_The_Order_of_Mass_I_-_formatted.34683410.pdf
* Examination of Conscience http://www.catholicparents.org/oxcart/Examination%20of%20Conscience.pdf
* Introduction to the Devout Life (St. Francis de Sales) http://www.ccel.org/ccel/desales/devout_life.txt
* The Interior Castle (St. Teresa of Avila) http://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/tic/tic.txt.gz
* Baltimore Catechism http://sacred-texts.com/chr/balt/balt.txt.gz