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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Baltimore Catechism for Kindle (including iPhone)

If you want good, solid Catholic teaching in black and white, look no further than the Baltimore Catechism from a century ago. You can download it for free from this page, which has a Kindle link that even works for iPhone Kindle.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Chime (mobile-phone app)

At the Catholic Men's group at St. Mary's in Vancouver, someone mentioned that he uses an app called Chimes that makes a sound every hour from 9am to 9pm. When he hears this, he prays a Hail Mary for the consecration of the coming hour to Mary's Immaculate Heart, and that she would watch over him. Might be a good way to grow closer to our Blessed Mother.

My Photo
Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
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