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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Some tweaks to how I say the Rosary

I found a few gems in Guardini’s book The Rosary of Our Lady.

First, the idea of pausing on the word “Jesus” to remember the current mystery: “…of thy womb Jesus. [Which mystery are we on again? Ah yes, the Annunciation.] Holy Mary, …”

Second, the idea of using the first three Hail Maries to think about Faith, Hope, and Love, respectively.

Third, the idea that we can focus on the mystery while reciting the Hail Mary, but not the Our Father: for this prayer, we should focus on the prayer itself.

For now, I’m leaving out some of the “extras”: the Fatima Prayer after each decade (“O my Jesus, …”), and the prayers after the final decade (“Hail Holy Queen”, “O God, whose only-begotten …”). I begin and end the Rosary with the Sign of the Cross.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Computer", "Cowboy", and other modern words translated into Latin

One of the functions of the Latinitas Foundation is to publish the Lexicon Recentis Latinitatis, a Latin dictionary for 15,000 modern words. Examples include: a bicycle (birota), cigarette (fistula nicotiana), computer (instrumentum computatorium), and cowboy (armentarius).

There is an excerpt of 600 words from this dictionary, but it is in Italian. So with the help of Google Translate, I have translated the Italian words into English:

English (from Google Translate)ItalianLatin
a bat-jourabat-jourumbráculum lámpadis
apathyabuliavoluntatis deféctio
abuseabusointemperántia; immódicus usus
accident (accident)accidente (incidente)casus (stradale: viárius)
advanceaccontoantecessus (-us)
acculturationacculturazionealienae culturae indúctio
cologneacqua di coloniaodoramentum Coloniense
carbonated wateracqua gassataaqua gásio medicata
mineralacqua mineraleaqua medicata
drinkingacqua potabileaqua salubri potu
holy wateracqua santaaqua lustralis
Acribiaacribíaexquisita diligéntia
acrobatacrobatafunámbulus (-i)
birthdayadamiticoadamianus (-a, -um)
Adhesiveadesivotáenia glutinosa
Aerodromeaerodromoaërinávium portus
aeromezzoaeromezzoaërium vehículum
aeronautaeronautaaërius viator
airshipaeronaveaëria navis
afaafaáëris crassitudo
Innsaffittacamerecubiculorum locator
AfricanistafricanistaAfricanarum rerum studiosus
agent bankagente bancariocurator nummulárius
business agentagente d'affaricurator negotiorum
travel agencyagenzia viaggiitínerum procuratrix (-tricis)
tormentoraguzzinocruciator (-oris)
Christmas treealbero di Natalearbor natalícia
apricotalbicoccamalum Armeníacum
goodalla buonapingui Minerva
attachedallegatoadiunctum (folium)
alpenstockalpenstockmontanus báculus
mountaineeralpinistaoríbates; móntium lustrator
altruisticaltruistaaliorum studiosus
environmentambientelocus (-i); res externa; circumiacéntia (-ium)
creative communityambiente artisticoartíficum ámbitus
home environmentambiente domesticodomésticus convictus
amnesiaamnesiamemóriae amíssio
appetizerantipastogustátio; promulsis (-idis)
apartheidapartheidsegregátio nigritarum
priora prioriex antecapto iudício
checkassegnomandatum nummárium
spaceshipastronavenavis sideralis
hookattaccapannivéstium sustentáculum
ambulanceautoambulanzaárcera automatária
Companyaziendadomus effectória
b aby-sittersbaby-sitterinfantária (-ae)
scalperbagarinotesserarum vénditor iniquus
bedlambailammeclamor ingens
runoffballottaggiosuffrágium decretórium
Bamboobambùharundo Índica
notebanconotacharta nummária
armedbanda armataglobus armatorum
bandabandistasymphoníacus (-i)
barbarthermopólium (-ii)
barmanbarmantabernae potóriae minister
Basket-ballbasket-ballfollis canistrique ludus
Bazaarbazarvariarum mércium empórium
bestsellersbest sellerliber máxime divénditus
drinkbibitabibítio (-onis); pótio; potus
bidetbidetovata pelvis
ticketbigliettotéssera viária
Binocularsbinocolotelescópium geminatum
steakbisteccacaro costalis assa
Bitterbitteramara pótio
blitzblitzincúrsio fulmínea
jeansblue-jeansbracae línteae caerúleae
mugboccaleúrceus (-i)
bombbombapyróbolus; pyróbolum
cylinderbombolavas gasárium
townshipborgatasubúrbium (-ii)
bagborsacrumina (crumena); pera; marsúpium
pickpocketborsaiolosector zonárius
Red Brigadebrigatisti rossibrigatores rubri
puddingbudinoscriblita Anglica
jokerbuontemponehomo festivive
c Achemacachemirelanítium Casmiriense
coffeecaffècafaeum; pótio cafaeária; taberna cafaeária
coffeecaffettieracucumella cafaeária
Calculatorscalcolatricemachínula calculatória
dining roomcamera da pranzocenáculum
campingcampingcampus tentórius
refugee campcampo profughicampus exceptórius
sports fieldcampo sportivocampus pedeludiárius
Cassatacassataplacenta Sícula
rubbercaucciùresina elástica
vaultcaveausubterránea cella argentária
cedratacedratapótio cítrea
cementcementolithocolla (-ae)
Electronic centercentro elettronicoelectrónica sedes
checkupcheck-uptotius córporis inspéctio
cherrycherryválida pótio cerásina
ciabattaciabattadoméstica crépida
chocolatecioccolatosocolata; socolatae pótio
hornclacsonsonorus autocineti index
clicheclichéchalcotýpia (-ae)
clubclubconsociátio; otiosum sodalícium
Maidcolfministra doméstica
computercomputerinstrumentum computatórium
competitionconcorrenzaaemulátio mercatória
candyconfettosácchari amýgdalum
jamconfetturafrúctuum liquamen
Accountingcontabilecalculator (-oris)
swimsuitcostume da bagnosubligáculum balneare
cowboycow boyarmentárius
crampcrampocontráctio (-onis)
reportercronistachronógraphus (-i)
d ay-hospitalday-hospitalvaletudinárium diurnum
dancingdancingludus saltatórius
Typistdattilografomachínulae scriptóriae peritus
hang gliderdeltaplanistaaërinavis velíferae gubernator
democraticdemocraticitàíndoles democrática
birth ratedenatalitàprolis decrementum
deodorantdeodorantefoetoris delumentum
Tourist brochuresdépliant turisticochártula periegética
depressiondepressioneánimi imminútio
derailmentderagliamentohamaxóstichi exorbitátio
dessertdessertsecunda mensa; prándii appendix
detonatordetonatoreapparatus displosivus
diktatdiktatimperiosum edictum
discodiscotecataberna discothecária
unemployeddisoccupatoinvite otiosus
candydolciumecrustum; crústulum; placenta
drinkdrinkpótio alcohólica
Drugsdrogamedicamentum stupefactivum
Grocerydrogheriataberna aromatária
Duchessduchessaducissa; ducis uxor
is clatantéclatantmiríficus (-a, -um)
eclipseeclissideféctio (lunae vel solis)
Edelweisedelweisleontopódium alpinum
effervescenteffervescentebullans; fervens
Selfishnessegoismonímius amor sui
selfishegoistasui cómmodi studiosus
Electricityelettricitàeléctrica vis
Blueprintseliografiasolis descríptio
heliporteliportoaëriportus helicopterorum
enfant g youenfant gâtépuer indulgéntia depravatus
enotecaenotecavinorum taberna
heroineroinaheroinum (-i)
exhibitionismesibizionismoostentátio (-onis)
rookieesordientetiro (-onis)
espritespritingénii vigor
f abbricafabbricadomus fabricatória; ergastérium
factotumfactotumómnium negotiorum curator
Fansfansadmiratores studiosíssimi
guineafaraonagallina Numídica
ferryferry-boatnavis traiectória
matchfiammiferoflammífera ássula
tavernfiaschetteriaoenopólium (-ii)
Fifty-Fiftyfifty-fiftyaequíssima partítio
Philanthropyfilantropiahumánitas (-atis)
filmotecafilmotecapellicularum cinematographicarum theca
trolleyfiloviafunalis traiéctio
Flirtflirtamor levis
scissorsforbiceforfex (-icis)
electric stovefornello elettricofornácula eléctrica
fracfractunícula caudata
landslidefranaterrae lapsus
refrigeratorfrigoriferoarmárium frigidárium
omelettefrittataovorum intrita
Vollzeitfull timemunus pleni témporis
g abinettogabinettolatrina (-ae); ministrorum consílium
gaffegaffeáctio incauta et incállida
gentlemangalantuomoínteger vir
ganggang praedatória manus
gangstergangstergregalis latro
gasgasgásium (-ii)
gasgassosagasiosa pótio
g â teaugâteauplacenta farta
creamgelatogélida sorbítio
Glacierghiacciaioglaciata moles
jacketgiaccatunícula manicata; iacca, iaccilla
ginginpótio iunípera
newspapergiornalediárium; ephémeris; acta diurna
gypsygitanohamaxóbius (Hispanus); Aegyptanus
goalsgoalretis violátio
Golfgolfthorax láneus manicatus
skirt skirtgonna, gonnellacástula; gunna, gunnella
graffitigraffitofigura gráphio exarata
grappagrappa stillatícius sucus vitígenus
skyscrapergrattacielo caeliscálpium
gruyeregrovieracáseus foratus Helvéticus
gulaggulagcampus captivis custodiendis
h habitathabitatnaturalis sedes
regularshabitué frequentator (-oris)
hag (coffee)hag (caffé)cafaeária pótio sine cafaeino
Hallhallamplum deversórii átrium
handicaphandicap impedimentum
hangarhangarreceptáculum aërinávium
hidalgohidalgonóbilis Hispanus
High Lifehigh lifeélegans vita; láuta vivendi rátio
hinterlandhinterlandintérior régio
Hostesshostessvectorum adiutrix; aëria ministratrix
hot pantshot pants brevíssimae bracae femíneae
humorhumourfestívitas; urbani sales
Humushumus fundamentum (rei spiritualis, culturalis, socialis)
The Dealioidealitàexemplaris dígnitas
idiotidiotahomo hebes
Hygieneigiene valetúdinis tuendae ars
nuisanceimpiccio impedimentum
improvisedimprovvisato extemporalis (-e)
inaugurationinaugurazionededicátio (-onis)
addressindirizzoinscríptio cursualis
engineeringegneredoctor machinárius
saladinsalatalactuca; acetária; ólera; herbae
interestinteresseánimi atténtio
interviewintervistacollóquium percontativum
intoxicationintossicazionevenenosa condício
iteriterpetitionis cursus
VATIVAfiscale prétii additamentum
j azzjazziazensis música
Jeepjeep autocinetum locis iniquis aptum
jetjetaërinavis celérrima
Jumbojumbo capacíssima aërinavis
k amikazekamikaze voluntárius sui interemptor
Karatekaratéoppugnátio inermis Iapónica
l adyladyÁnglica múlier conspícua
Lambruscolambruscoacre vinum Aemilianum
raspberrylamponefragum Idaeum; rubus Idaeus
Laserlaser instrumentum laséricum
Blackboardlavagnatábula litterária
leaderleaderfactionis princeps
leitmotivleitmotivmelos perductórium
Leverlevavectis (-is)
Librarylibreriataberna librária
lemonadelimonatapótio cítrea
locomotivelocomotivacurrus tractórius; máchina vectória
funfairluna parkhorti públici oblectatórii
Lunchlunch prandículum
m accheronemaccheronepasta tubulata
macedoniamacedoniapoma conditiva
butchermacelleriataberna carnária
tapemagnetofonomáchina echóica
Malariamalariamalus aër; morbus palustris
managermanagerprocurator (artíficum, cantorum, ...)
mangomangomangífera Índica
maharajahmarajàÍndicus régulus
Marketmarket multigéneris taberna
Marsalamarsalavinum Lilybaetanum
maxigonnamaxigonnamáximum hypozónium
mazurkamazurcasaltátio Polónica
meetingmeetingconventus (-us)
megalomaniamegalomaniaeffrenata glóriae appeténtia
Melaranciamelaranciamalum Sinense dulce
Menumenuescarum index
black marketmercato neromercatura clandestina
Merlotmerlotvinum rubrum Burdigalense
minestroneminestronesorbítio compósita
minigolfminigolf pilamálleus minutus
miniskirtminigonnatunícula mínima
Mistramistràpótio anisata
mochamokafaba Mocana; pótio cafaeária Mocana; máchina cafaeária
mondinamondinaoryzae runcatrix
elevatorsmontacarichianábathrum onerárium
pawnshopmonte di pietàdomus pigneratícia
motelmotel deversórium autocinéticum
scootermotorettabirótula automatária
Bikingmountain bikebírota montana
sound barriermuro del suonorepágula soni (
n to ifnaïfingénuus; nativa simplicitate pictus
narcosisnarcosisopor artificiosus
space navigationnavigazione spazialesideralis navigátio
'Ndrangheta'ndrangheta Bruttianorum praedonum grex
neofascismneofascismorenovatus fascálium motus
garbagenettezza urbanacívica mundítia
news looknews looknova se gerendi et vestiendi rátio
Nightclubnight-clubtaberna nocturna
nursenursepuerorum custos
Nylonnylonmatéria plástica nailonensis
or blooblòfenestella orbiculata
eyewearocchiale perspicillum
dentistodontoiatramédicus dentárius
umbrellaombrelloumbella; umbráculum
omnibusómnibuslaophorium; autocinetum laóphorum
oncoterapiaoncoterapiatumorum curationes
UNOnuUnitarum Nationum Coetus
banking operationsoperazione bancarianegótium argentárium
surgeryoperazione chirurgicaséctio chirúrgica
working hoursora lavorativahora negotiosa
DSTora legalehora legítima
jewelryorafoáurifex (-icis)
peakore di puntatempus máximae frequéntiae
water clockorologio ad acquahorológium aquátile
hostelostello hospitíolum
OttomanottomanaTúrcicus léctulus
overdoseoverdoseimmódica medicamenti stupefactivi iniéctio
gondolaovoviaovata vehícula funália
p Agellpagellapunctorum summa
overcoatpaletot superindumentum
balloonpallonefollis (-is); harpastum; sphaera
diverpalombarourinator (oris)
pancarrèpancarrépanis quadratus
spongepan di Spagnadulcis panis Hispánicus
pandoropandoropanis áureus
Panettonepanettone Mediolanensis placenta
gingerbreadpanforteSenensis placenta
Bakerypanificiosedes fornáriae exercendae
sandwichpaninoteca pastillorum fartorum taberna
creampannalactis flos
slipperpantofolasólea; crépida
paratrooper, paratrooperparà, paracadutistamiles decíduus
parachuteparacaduteumbrella descensória
handrailspassamanománuum fulcimen
Mattedpasse-partoutcommunis clavis
pastapastasciuttatubulati pastilli
pastificiopastificiopastae conficiendae officina
potatopatatinaglóbulus solanianus
bangpatatracsúbitum patrimónii naufrágium
drivingpatente di guidadiploma vehículo automatário ducendo
skatepáttinoferrata sólea
Plushpeluchedensus mollisque villus
ballpointpenna a sfera sphaerígraphum (-i)
nibpenninocálami apex
boardpensionea munéribus vacátio
penitismpentitismomalefactorum paeniténtia
percentagepercentualecentésima (pars)
Hazardpericolositàcondício periculosa
Fishingpescamalum Pérsicum
April Foolpesce d'aprile ludificátio Calendarum Aprílium
pesetapesetanummus Hispanus
pianopianoforte clavicýmbalum (-i)
troublemakerpiantagrane molestiarum fictor
pigeonpiccione viaggiatorecolumba internúntia
picnicpicniccénula subdivalis
pizzapizzaplacenta compressa; placéntula
grocerypizzicheriataberna salsária
plaidplaidstrágula laculata
playboyplayboyiúvenis voluptárius
tomatopomodoro lycopérsicum
grapefruitpompelmocitrum grande
ponchoponchopáenula Americana
popcornpopcornmáizae grana tosta (pl.)
ashtrayportacenerevásculum cinerárium
soapportasaponetheca saponária
Cashportavalorinummorum gestator
PortoPortovinum Portucalense
parkingposteggio vehiculorum státio
postmanpostino tabellárius
potpourripot-pourricarnes oleraque vária
Privacyprivacyvita privata
prognosisprognosi praeiudicatus morbi cursus
perspectiveprospettivaprospectus; iudicandi rátio
Prostateprostataurethrae glándula
Psychologistpsicologohumani ánimi investigator
pubpubpública potória taberna
publicistpubblicistascriptorum vulgator
ethnic cleansingpulizia etnicapurgátio géntica
punchpunchcálida alcohólica pótio
punkpunkpunkianae catervae ássecla
mashedpurèpultícula tuberosa
putschputschsubitánea rerum convérsio
q clinical RAMEWORKquadro clinicomorbi descriptio
quarantinequarantenasegregátio quadraginta dierum
questionnairequestionariopercontationum index
quizquizaenigma (-atis)
r agreement annularraccordo anulareorbitalis via viarum coniunctrix
racketeeringracketillícita pecúniae exáctio
Radarradar radioëléctricum instrumentum detectórium
radioradio radiophónium
Amateurradioamatore radiophóniae operator voluptárius
radiointervistaradiointervista radiophónica percontátio
Radioradiotelevisione radiotelehórasis
coldraffreddorecápitis gravedo; pituíta (laborare)
beamraggio laserrádius laséricus
accountantragioniere ratiocinator
sauceragùius cárneum
raidraidincúrsio aërináutica (... subitánea publicorum custodum)
rallyrally autocinetorum certamen
ranchranchpráedium rei pecuáriae curandae
raptureraptusímpetus imperiosus
razorrasoiotonsórius culter
race (hate)razziale (odio)(ódium) phyléticum
rocketrazzorádius ígnifer
rebusrebusdepictum aenigma
reciotoreciotoVeronense vinum
redemptiveredentivo redemptórius
referendumreferendumad pópulum provocátio
refrain (chorus)refrain (ritornello) intercalaris versus
typorefuso typográphicum mendum
Reintegrationreinserimentoiterata insértio
relaxrelaxrelaxátio (-onis)
Residence (house)residence (house)diaeta deversória disiuncta
crowdressastipátio tumultuosa
restaurantrestauranttaberna refectória
roadrete stradaleviárius intextus
mirrorretrovisorespéculum retroscópicum
decline (of food)ribasso (dei viveri)annonae laxátio
blackmailricattoviolenta exáctio
return receiptricevuta di ritornoperlatae epístulae núntius
Recyclingriciclaggiopecúniae male partae collocátio
ricottaricottacáseus secundárius
hospitalizationricoverohospítium; sanativa custódia
alpine hutrifugio alpino hospitíolum montanum
reimbursementrimborsopecúniae reddítio
rewardingrimunerativoquaestuosus (-a, -um)
Refreshmentsrinfresco convivíolum
ringring pugilatórium suggestum
Economic Recoveryripresa economica incrementum oeconómicum
shootingripresa fotograficaimpréssio photográphica
ransomriscattoprétium (pro redemptione)
Rod eorodéo spectáculum equestre
rotisserierosticceriaassorum taberna
rouletterouletterótula (lúdicra)
taprubinettoepitónion (-ii)
Rugbyrugbyludus follis ovati
rumrumrhómium; sícera náutica
s abotaggiosabotaggioocculta evérsio
rucksacksacco da montagna saccipérium dorsuale
safarisafariAfricana venátio
chorizo (sausage)salamino (salsiccia)botellus (-i)
Bloodlettingsalassosánguinis detráctio
saltinesalatinocrústulum sale conditum
salumificiosalumificio salsamentária officina
piggysalvadanaiotheca nummária
sangriasangríapótio mixta Hispánica
expiryscadenzadies praestitutus
heaterscaldabagnobálnei caldárium
warmingscaldavivandeferculorum calidárium
escapadescappatellaiuvenile erratum
buckscaricabarilicríminis translátio
shoescarpieraarmaríolum cálceis servandis
scenescenatairae effúsio
skiing (race)sci (corsa di)nartátio (-onis)
skiersciatorenartator (-oris)
scientificscientificità scientialis rátio
Financial Sciencescienza delle finanzenummáriae rei disciplina
strikesciopero operistítium; cessátio ab ópere
theftscippoevúlsio furtífica
syrupsciroppatomulso conditus
discountscontoprétii deminútio
ticketscontrinoschédula emptória
Scotchscotchvíschium Scóticum; taeníola glutinativa
schoolscuolabus discipulorum laophorium
sedativesedativo medicamentum mitigatórium
sedentarysedentario sellulárius
chairsedia a sdraioséllula reclinis
Dickeysedile ribaltabilesella plicátilis
Secret letterssegreto epistolareopertum litterarum
Self-controlself-controlsui moderátio
tankserbatoio conceptáculum
shampooshampoo capitilávium
shockshockcollapsus gravis
Shortsshorts brevíssimae bracae
cigarettesigarettafístula nicotiana
cigarsigarobacillum nicotianum
wrecksinistratodetrimento affectus
sketchsketchbrevis áctio cómica
Slipslipparvum subligáculum
sloganslogan sententíola praeconialis
smogsmogfumus et nébula
snack barsnack bar thermopólium potórium et gustatórium
snobbishsnobistahomo affectatus
Solidaritysolidarietàconsociata voluntas
soubrettesoubrettepraecípua scáenica actrix
Souvenirssouvenirmemoriale (-is)
dealerspacciatorevénditor clandestinus
spaghettispaghettopasta vermiculata
stewspezzatinocaro minutatim dissecta
Sportssportlúdicra córporis exercitátio
Spotspot intercalatum laudativum núntium
spraysprayliquor nubilógenus
sprintsprintextrema accelerátio
staffstaff cooperatorum coetus
standstand tabernáculum exhibitórium
stockstockcúmulus mércium
stopstopiussum sistendi
strudelstrudelpomorum placenta
symposiumsympósiumdoctorum virorum conventus
t Abaccotabaccotabacum; nicotiana herba
tabootabùsacra interdíctio; sollemne interdictum
suittailleurvestis bipertita
tangenttangentelargítio quaestuosa
tangentialtangenzialesuburbana velócior via
stopgaptappabuchiabséntium vicárius
taxitaxi autocinetum meritórium
teatheana pótio
tea roomtea-roomconclave theárium
commentarytelecronacarelátio televisífica
calltelefonata telephónicum collóquium
telenovelatelenovelafábula televisífica
wipertergicristallo vitritersórium
blankettermocopertastrágulum calefactórium
terroristterrorista tromócrates (-ae)
testtest experimentum
thermosthermoslagoena calefactória
timertimerinstrumentum témpori praestituendo
TocaitocaiHungáricum vinum
tortellinitortellinopastillus tórtilis
tourtourcircúitus (-us)
Trade Marktrade markergastérii nota
traffictraffico stradaleviarum frequéntia
tramtrampúblicus currus eléctricus
Traveler's checkstraveller's chequemandatum nummárium periegéticum
traintreno hamaxóstichus
Truststrustsocietatum bonis gignendis impérium
Sightseeingturistaperiegetes (-ae)
suittutaindumentum bracatum
U LTRAultràextremarum pártium ássecla
humanistumanistaártium liberálium cultor
humoristumoristafestivus homo
v aligavaligiavídulus
worthvaloreprétium; virtus; auctóritas; praestántia
waltzvalzerchorea Vindobonensis
vermouthvermut absinthiatum
firemanvigile del fuoco siphonárius
VIPvip amplíssimus vir
viveurviveurhomo voluptárius
vodkavodkaválida pótio Slávica
clamvongolacónchula decussata
vacuumvuoto d'ariademinútio subitánea áëris
w agon-litwagon-litcurrus dormitórius
dining-carwagon-restaurantcurrus cenatórius
weekendweek-endéxiens hebdómada
frankfurterswürstelbotellus (Germánicus; Austríacus)
Z ainozainosaccíperum dorsuale
Zoosafarizoosafarivenátio Africana.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Latin vocabulary list

Want to become more familiar with Latin? Read one word from this list each day. It’s a shuffled version of Bill Casselman’s list, derived from Tyler Chambers’ list.

infitialis : negative, containing a no, rejection.
inimicus : personal enemy, foe, opponent.
universitas : the whole, total, universe, world / university.
detineo : hold off, hold back, detain.
cuiusmodi : of what kind.
prudentia : foresight, wisdom, discretion.
prolato : to enlarge, lengthen, extend / put off, defer.
tabella : writing tablet.
praeteritus preteritus : past.
immortalis : immortal.
nutus : a nodding, nod, command, will.
Traiectum : Maastricht.
contineo : to touch, reach, grasp, affect, infect.
pulmo : the lung.
prosperitas : prosperity, good fortune.
vomito : to vomit, vomit forth, throw up.
vitium : fault, vice, crime.
officina : workshop, factor.
lepide : charmingly, wittily, elegantly, pleasantly.
expletus : (part.) perfect, complete.
tantum : only.
facilis : easy, agreeable, affable, pleasant.
cenaculum : garret, attic.
purus : pure, free from.
festino : to hasten, hurry, speed.
suppono subpono : to put under, subject / put next to, add.
prosum : to be useful, do good, benefit (+ dative).
alioquin : (adv.) otherwise, in some respects / in general.
nuntius : messenger, message.
intercipio intercepi interceptum : to intercept
Pruma : Prums.
ministro : to serve, wait upon, provide, supply.
imperiosus : imperious, domineering, powerful.
coniecto : to throw together, infer, guess, conclude.
per : (+ acc.) (cause) because of, on account of.
impendium : expenditures, outlay, interest on a loan.
duco : to charm, influence, mislead, draw in.
polenta : pearl barley, barley groats.
obtestor : to implore, entreat, beg, call as a witness.
macresco : to become lean, skinny, thin.
cum : (with subjunctive) when, as, while, since, although.
requiro : to ask for, look for, demand, desire, miss.
solvo : to loosen, untie, release, free, dissolve, break up.
electus : chosen, select.
efficio : to do, produce, effect, make / bring about, cause / prove.
depopulo depopulor : to lay waste, ravage, devastate.
duco : to calculate, count, reckon, esteem, considered.
contristo : to make sad or gloomy
tempero : be moderate, control oneself.
commoneo : to remind someone forcibly of something.
quaero quero : to seek, search for / ask, enquire, search for
adfectus affectus : (fr. adficio) : influenced, worked upon.
comperio : to disclose wholly, lay open / learn, find out.
posco : to call upon, ask earnestly, request.
calculus : pebble, stone.
mane : morning, early in the morning, early.
obtineo : to hold, keep, possess, maintain / to continue.
conventus : coming together, assembly, union, congress.
auctor : author, originator.
exhibeo exibeo : to produce, show, display, offer, allow, cause.
labruscum : the wild grape.
celebrus : abounding in, rich in, much frequented, respected.
imitabilis : that can be imitated,
fodio : to prick, sting, jab.
cras : (adv.) tomorrow, on the morrow.
irrito : to irritate, exasperate, excite.
jumentum : draft animal.
aer, aeris : air, atmosphere, ether, weather.
eximius : extraordinary, excellent, fine, superb.
abscido : to cut off, to separate, take away.
explico : to unfold, unroll, disentangle / explain, expound.
mores, morium : ways, conduct, character, morals.
promiscus promiscuus : mixed, indiscriminate / commonplace, usual.
distribuo : to distribute, divide.
egredior : (egressus ) : to go out, leave, depart, exit.
privus : (with gen.) deprived of.
correptius : more shortly.
tunc : then, at that time.
irritus : vain, useless, ineffectual, of not effect.
amicitia : friendship
capto : to grab, try to get, grab at.
forte : by chance, by luck, accidentally.
conculco : to tread under foot, despise, oppress, suppress.
infirmitas : weakness, feebleness / instability, fickleness.
sano : to heal.
acsi : as if, (Herimann p. 283, 293).
equus : horse, steed, mount.
plane : plainly, clearly.
curia : court
inflatio : inflation, flatulence.
hordeum, ordeum : barley.
consulto : to ask the advice of, consult.
lacer : torn, mangled, cut to pieces.
superbus : overbearing, arrogant, haughty, proud.
matrimonium : marriage.
Stabulaus : Stavelot.
pirus : pear tree.
invenio : to come upon, find, discover.
coma : hair of the head, leaves, rays of light.
exsequor : to execute, avenge, punish / relate, describe, explain.
clamo : to call, shout, cry aloud, proclaim, declare.
tactus : sense of feeling, touch.
auctus : growth, enlargement, increase.
voluptas : pleasure.
mensa : table.
lemiscus : a ribbon.
acceptus : welcome, pleasant, agreeable.
commeo : To go up and down, back and forth, in and out.
bene : melior : optime : well, better, best
periculosus : hazardous, dangerous.
vetus : old.
spiculum : sharp point, sting, spear, dart.
claudo (clausus) : to confine, shut up, close, blockade, besiege.
praeficio preficio / prefeci prefectum : to put in charge of
se astringo : to commit oneself to.
perspicuus : transparent, bright, clear, evident.
invitus : unwilling, against one's will.
pocius potius : rather, preferably.
intumesco : to sell, sell up, sell with anger.
placitum : judgment, case / plea, litigation / defense.
aspicio : to look at, behold, gaze at, see.
supplicium : punishment.
patria : fatherland, one's native country, homeland.
libero : to lift (an obstacle), raise.
arbustum : a vineyard planted with trees.
renuo : to deny, refuse, reject.
adverto : to turn towards, direct one's attention to, attract.
imperator : commander in chief, general, emperor.
nitor : to rest, lean, support oneself / trust in, depend upon.
nonus : ninth.
illi : (masc. pl. nom.) THOSE (men) are loyal to the king.
singultus : sobbing, death rattle.
platea : street, courtyard.
silva : woods, forest.
promissor : a promiser, suretor, guarantor.
comparo : to compare.
diluculo : dawn, daybreak.
alioqui : (adv.) otherwise.
ianua : door.
accusator : accusor, plaintiff.
edico : to announce, declare.
mus muris : mouse.
meridianus : midday, afternoon, south.
spes : hope.
cresco : (cretum) : to grow, increase, expand.
haec hec : (neut. pl. nom.) THESE (kisses) are sweeter than wine.
non : not.
causa : cause / reason, motive, pretext / interest.
conturbo : to confuse, scatter, throw into confusion, distress.
huic : (fem sing. dat.) There is a statue IN THIS (abbey).
aliquantus : (adj.) of some size, moderate.
memoria : memory, remembrance, recall, recollection.
avaritia : avarice, greed.
constupro : to ravish, corrupt.
passim : adv. far and wide, everywhere, scattered about.
illas : (fem. pl. acc.) They gave THOSE (their lives) for the Faith.
Moguntienses : Mainz.
malo mallui malus : to choose, prefer.
profundus : deep, profound, high, thick, dense, boundless.
deprecor : to entreat for, beg for / intercede / curse.
concepta : measures, capacity.
ius iurandum iuris iurandi etc. : oath.
amitto : to dismiss, send away, lose, let slip away.
me : (acc.) me / that old black magic has ME in its spell.
infestus : aggressive, hostile, dangerous.
recedo : to go back, retreat, retire, disappear.
industria : industry, diligence.
hospes : guest, host, stranger.
accuso : to accuse, blame, find fault with.
protestor, protesto : to declare in public, affirm, bear witness.
vicinus : neighbor / (med.) resident.
eatenus : so far, thus far, up to then.
impetus : attack, onset, rapid motion / impulse, passion, force.
prolixus : wide, broad, long / willing, obliging, favorable.
quarum : (fem. pl. gen.) their envy and jealousy, OF WHICH we know.
munio : to fortify, defend, protect / build a road.
redarguo : refute, disprove, contradict.
illis : (fem. pl. dat.) She gave her property TO THOSE (churches).
arma : arms, weapons.
ordinatio : rule, government, order, arrangment, regulation.
pullus : dark-colored, blackish / sad, gloomy / a dark garment.
precipio : to anticipate, instruct, advise, warn.
solio : ? Herimann, cap. 28.
Hunnam : Bunna.
periclitatus : put in peril, endangered.
tempero : (+ dat.) to control, use with moderation, spare,
resisto : to resist, make a stand, oppose.
ordo : rank, class, order.
effectus : doing, execution, performance, effect, result.
letanie : litany
licet : granted that, although / it is allowed, one may or can.
humanitas : kindness, culture, refinement.
divinitus : divine influence, admirably, nobly, by inspiration.
erudio : to instruct, teach, educate.
divitiae divitie : riches, wealth.
fungor, fungi, functus : to occupy oneself, perform, do, execute.
ira : anger, wrath.
contendo : to compare, contrast / compete.
laus : praise, glory, fame.
ecquando : at any time? ever?
loco : to place, put, position.
huius : (masc. fem. neut. gen. sing.) Go ahead, eat some OF THIS.
iam : moreover, henceforth, indeed, just, further.
morbus : sickness, disease, illness.
tendo : to direct, try, attempt, stretch, extend, present, give.
senectus : old age, dotage.
rursus : on the other hand, in return, back, again.
universum : universe, the world.
studio : (+ dat.) to study, pursue eagerly, be eager for.
dicto : to say often, dictate, get written down.
amplitudo : size, breadth, dignity, grandeur, greatness.
ultra : (+ acc.) : farther (than), more (than).
Dusiol petram : Duissenpierre.
exitus : going out, going forth, exit, end, finish.
cena : dinner, meal.
oratio : speech, address, oration.
utpote : seeing that, inasmuch as.
statua : statue.
infligo inflixi inflictum : to strike, hit, knock / cause damage.
viriliter : manfully.
emerio : to obtain by service, earn completely, deserve well.
extra : (prep. + acc.) beyond, outside.
moveo moti motum : to move, arouse, affect, influence.
dignus : (+ abl.) worthy, worthy of, meritorious.
didico : to be told (Herimann cap. 39, 44).
vita : life, way of life.
lacuna : missing letters, words, or phrases in a manuscript.
ante : (prep. + acc.) before / in front of / (adv.) before, previously.
ars, artis : skill method, technique, conduct, character.
onus : load, burden, weight, trouble / charge, public road tax.
impudenter : impudently, insolently, presumptuously.
sermo : talk, common talk, rumor, report, discussion.
perdignus : very worthy.
pars partis : part, share / direction.
cedo : (+ dat.) give ground to, submit to, be inferior to.
sortitus : casting lots, deciding by lot.
equidem : (adv) indeed, truly, for my part.
pudeo : to be ashamed,
liberalitas : courtesy, kindness, generousity / a grant.
iaceo : to lie, lie prostrate, lie dead.
laetor letor : to rejoice, be joyful.
infit : he, she, or it begins, begins to speak.
viscus : flesh, internal organs, bowels, entrails, heart.
occasio : favorable moment, opportunity.
ceterus : the other, the rest.
ne ... quidem : not ... even.
eluvio : inundation.
cunctatio : delay.
laudo : to praise, extoll, commend / name, mention, cite, quote.
desidero : to long for, wish for greatly, to miss.
usus : use, experience, skill, advantage.
rudimentum : trial, attempt, essay.
perpetuus : perpetual, lasting, continuous, uninterrupted.
praecepio precepio : precept, preconception.
caveo cavi cautum : beware, avoid, look out for.
stipes : log, stump, tree trunk, branch, post, club.
ictus : blow, bite, stroke, bolt, thrust.
fortuna : fortune, luck, fate, chance.
has : (fem. pl. acc.) They gave THESE (their lives) for the Faith.
verumtamen verumptamen : notwithstanding, nevertheless.
pepulo : ? Herimann, cap. 3.
quadraginta : forty (indecl.)
Aldenard : Audenarde.
appello : to call, name, summon.
triduana : lasting three days.
vomica : ulcer, sore, boil / plague, curse.
stillicidium : dripping moisture, rainwater from the eaves.
lentulus : rather slow, a little slow.
ulciscor : to take vengeance for, avenge / take vengeance on.
incontinencia : lack of restrain, incontinence.
confestim : immediately, without delay.
cruciamentum : torture, torment.
arto : to press together, reduce, abridged.
mandatum : order, decree, mandate, instruction.
disputatio : debate, dispute, discussion.
crustulum : pastry, cookie.
palea : chaff.
niveus : white, snowy.
una : (adv.) in one, together.
novem : nine.
abundans : abundant, overflowing, abounding in.
impedio : entangle, ensnare, obstruct, surround, hinder, prevent.
experior (experiri, expertus ) : to try, test, experience, prove.
alienus : somebody else's, foreign, alien, strange, different.
progenitor : founder of a family, ancestor.
iucundus : agreeable, pleasant, gratifying.
determino : to fix the limits of, set boundaries to, delimit.
sponte : willingly, of one's own accord, unaided.
invado : to assail, usurp, seize, attack, fall upon.
alter : (adv.) otherwise.
exturbo : to drive away, thrust out.
similitudo : likeness, resemblance / uniformity.
adultus : (adj.) grown up, mature, adult, of age.
color : color.
pulpitum : platform, stage.
lacrimabilis : lamentable, deplorable, woeful.
imprimis : especially, particularly, specifically.
strues : piles, heaps, masses.
fidens : confident, without fear, courageous.
temptatio : trial, temptation.
agnosco : to recognize, understand, perceive.
remaneo : to stay behind, remain, continue.
letum : death, ruin, annihilation.
fautor : favorer, promoter, patron, partisan, supporter.
rectus : right, correct, proper, upright, natural, plain.
vobis : (dat.) you / I'm talkin' to YOU, yeah, talkin' 'bout Cindy.
tamquam tanquam : as, just as, like as, just as if.
subseco : to cut away, pare
immanitas : savagery, frightfulness.
Corturiacum : Courtrai.
Sanctus Rodoenus : St. Ouen.
gregatim : in troops, or crowds.
illarum : (fem. pl. gen.) The city wall had four OF THOSE (gates).
laetificus letificus : gladdening, joyous, spreading happiness.
secus + atque or quam : differently from, otherwise than.
exheredo : to disinherit.
quisque : each one, each person.
quatenus / quatinus : since, as, in order that, that.
iocus : joke, jest, jape, gag.
ferme, fere : almost, about.
amitto : to send away, let go, let slip, lose.
temeritas : rashness, temerity.
profecto : truly, really, indeed.
libatio : libation.
profero : to carry out, bring forth.
defero : to hand over, carry down, communicate, offer, refer.
converto : to turn around, cause to turn / to adopt the monastic life.
texo : to weave, twine together, plait, construct, build.
pertineo : to pertain to, relate to, concern.
utroque : to both sides, in both directions / at each point.
lenimentus : alleviation, improvement, mitigation.
thesis : proposition, thesis.
culpa : fault, blame, (esp. against chastity).
candidus : bright, shining, white.
supervacuus : superfluous, unnecessary, extra : supervenio : to arrive, come up, arrive unexpectedly.
feculentia : dregs, lees, impurities, filth.
poena : pain, punishment, penalty / poena dare : to pay the penalty.
adduco : to lead, induce, persuade.
reliquum : remainder, what is left, leavings.
defendo : to defend, ward off, protect, shelter.
palma : palm.
pax pacis : peace
proluvier : inundation / scouring / discharge.
impendo : to lay out, expand, weigh out.
exorsus : begun.
quanti : for how much, at what price.
suscipio : to raise up, maintain, support, accept, receive, undertake.
dissimilis : unlike, different, disparate, dissimilar, distinct.
superbia : pride, arrogance.
natura : nature
aequus, equus : level, even, calm, equal, favorable, just.
maxime : greatly, exceedingly, to the highest degree, very.
his : (neut. pl. abl.) She earned it BY THESE (her deeds).
theca : case, envelope, covering.
vergo : to bend, incline, verge, to draw to an end.
quibus : (fem. pl. dat.) the good fortune, TO WHICH he owed his crown.
gloria : fame, renown, glory.
progigno progenui progenitum : to engender, bring forth.
interdum : sometimes, now and then, at times.
lego : to gather, choose, collect, pass through, read,
molestia : annoyance, troublesomeness / stiffness, affectation.
vis : (sing.) violence / a large number, quantity, a force / nature
pugnacitas : the desire to fight, pugnacity.
Cathalaunenses : Chalons.
orno : to equip, furnish, supply / decorate, adorn.
exemplar : model, pattern, original, prototype, book to copy.
velum : sail, covering, awning, curtain.
fidelitas : fidelity, loyalty, homage.
luctisonus : sad-sounding, mournful, baleful.
circumvenio : to beset, assail.
munero / munerior : to give, present.
recordatio : recollection, memory, recall.
sidus : constellation, star.
illius : (neut. sing. gen.) She paid half OF THAT (the cost).
balbus : stammering, stuttering, fumbling.
tui : your yours / I read YOUR letter that said, dear John.
calcar, -is : spur.
ferus : fierce, wild, savage, untamed.
aliquanto : somewhat, considerably.
laqueum : noose, halter, snare, trap.
de : (prep. + abl.) down from, from, concerning, about.
securus : safe, secure, free from care, unworried, unconcerned.
clementia : indulgence, forbearance, humanity, mercy, gentleness, etc.
ratio : reckoning, account / reason, judgment, consideration.
Blesense : Blois.
quae : (fem. pl. nom.) Let THOSE (women) WHO have ears to hear ..
labores solis : eclipse of the sun.
lamnia lammina lamna : sheet of metal, coin, knife blade, nutshell.
creatura : creature, servant.
Templovium : Templeuve, villa near Cisoing.
oblittero : to cancel, blot out.
magnus maior maximus : large, great, important.
repleo : to replenish, fill up, fill up again, fill, satisfy.
medius : middle, the middle of.
desino (desiit) : to leave off, give over, cease, stop, desist.
repletus : filled, full.
queo : to be able.
reddo : to give back, restore, return, answer, translate, render.
nominatim : by name, expressly.
moleste : take annoyance
superus superior supremus or summus : above, upper, high.
matera, mairia : ?vat, for the fermentation of beer.
redigo (redactum) : to bring or reduce to a condition, lessen.
dedico : to dedicate.
Carnotense : Chartres.
instructus (from instruo) : equipped, trained, supplied.
expers : wanting, destitute of, not sharing in.
editio : the publishing of a book, an announcement.
tu : you / Old Heidelberg, you are the finest.
lacto : to allure, entice, wheedle.
sero : to sow, plant. also, late, at a late hour.
procer : chief noble, prince.
totus : whole, entire, complete, all.
progressio : advance, progress, increase.
vulgaris : common, ordinary, usual.
sanitas : health, soundness of mend, sanity.
fortunatus : fortunate, lucky, happy.
cattus : cat.
corripio : to seize, snatch up, steal, (of a disease) attack
aestas estas : summer.
panis panis : bread.
firmus : firm, strong, reliable, solid.
inflecto inflexi inflectum : to bend, bow, curve.
reddo : to repeat, recite, represent, imitate, pay up, deliver.
certe certo : (adv) certainly, assuredly.
acerbus : bitter, gloomy, dark.
terra : earth, ground, land, country, soil.
pyropus : bronze.
inviso : to go to see, visit, inspect, look at.
pareo : (+ dat.) to be obedient to, obey.
dito : to enrich, make wealthy.
fimus : dung, dirt, filth, manure.
difficilis : difficult, hard, troublesome.
cubiculum : bedroom, sleeping chamber.
facina -oris : bad deed, crime, villainy / deed, action.
dulcidine : sweetly, pleasantly, charmingly.
secedo : to go apart, withdraw.
progressus : advance, going forward, increase, a royal circuit.
forum : market place, town square.
his : (masc. pl. abl.) They passed BY THESE (roads).
patientia : patience, suffering, endurance.
leviculus : empty-headed, vain, silly.
aperte : openly, frankly.
exaequo exequo : to be like, equal / make level or even, relate.
verecundia : feeling of shame, shame, bashfulness.
tergo (a tergo ) : in the rear, from behind
magister : master, canon / master of a school, professor.
infirme : weakly, faintly.
similis : similar, like, resembling.
adstringo : to tight, compress, compact /
offero : to bring forward, place before, present, offer, expose.
puto : to clear, settle up, consider, think, believe, suppose, judge.
miles militis : soldier, warrior, knight.
infortunium : misfortune, bad luck / punishment.
effugio : (effugi effugiturus ) : flee from, escape, elude, run away.
convoco : to call together, convene.
saeta : hair.
Taruennam : The Rouanne.
modus : measure, bound, limit / manner, method, mode, way.
basium : kiss.
volo (sibi velle) : to mean, signify, denote.
vestis : clothing, garment, covering, blanket, carpet, tapestry.
informatio : concept, idea.
Metim : Metz.
inquit : he, she, it says.
nusquam esse : not to exist.
vulgivagus : wandering, vagrant, itinerant.
cribrum : sieve.
parvus minor minimus : small, little
Helnonensis : Elnon. Herimann, p. 279.
lacus : a hollow / lake, pool, pond, trough, tank, tub.
casso : to bring to naught, destroy, annul, make void.
satago : have one's hands full, have enough to do.
Traiectensium : Utrecht.
exigo : drive out, force out, exact, demand, sell.
inceptum : beginning, attempt, enterprise.
vero : in truth, indeed, to be sure / however.
navis navis : ship, vessel, boat.
consisto : (+ abl. etc.) to be formed of, consist / stop, stay.
synagoga : synagogue.
addo : to give, bring, place, / inspire, cause, / add, join.
praevenio, prevenio : to come before, anticipate.
progenies : descent, lineage, progeny, offspring, descendants.
lemures : (pl. only) ghosts, phantoms.
multus plus plurimum : much, a lot.
pyus pyxidis : a little box, casket.
piper, piperis : pepper.
desposco : to demand.
fugitivus : fugitive : deserter, runaway slave.
quadrivium : second stage of the medieval curriculum
vado : go, hasten, rush.
innotesco : to become know, noted.
Trium Fontium : Trois-Fontaines, Marne, Vitry-le-Francais.
tergum : skin, hide
malens : preferring.
promo prompsi promptum : to produce, disclose, bring forth.
praestans prestans : excellent, distinguished, imminent.
consurgo : to stand up, rise up / to arise, break out.
praetereo pretereo : to pass over, pass by, omit.
emo emi emptum : to buy, purchase.
imber ymber : rain shower, rain storm, pelting rain.
lacuna : a hole, empty space / pond, pool / deficiency, loss.
tabgo tetigi tactum : to touch.
maneo : to remain, stay, stay the night, last, endure, abide by.
satura : satire.
incredibilis : incredible, unbelievable.
expedio : to release, set free, clear, set straight.
reperio : to get again, find, ascertain, discover, invent.
cubicularis : pertaining to a bedroom
illaturos : from infero "they would cause."
prolabor : to slide forward, slip forward, fall forward, fall down.
desino : cease, stop, end, desist.
nescio : to be ignorant, be unaware, not know, be unknowing.
longus : long
queritor : to complain excessively, whine, gripe.
despecto : overlook, despise, look down upon.
conscendo : to ascend, mount, go up.
contradictio : a speaking against, contradiction.
commodo : (+ acc.) to furnish, lend, give.
irascor iratus : to be angry, to be wrathful.
commisceo : to intermingle, join, mix.
tredecim : (indecl.) thirteen
inficio infeci infectum : to tinge, dye, stain, imbue.
mitis : mild, gentle / ripe, mature.
cautela : caution, precaution, security.
insidiae : (pl.) treachery, ambush, plot, conspiracy.
thermae : warm springs, warm baths.
Marcieniensis : Marchiennes.
calco : to tread, trample upon.
obdormio : to fall asleep.
defluo : to flow away, disappear, be lost.
salus : health, safety, well-being, salvation / salutation.
opes : (pl.) means, wealth, abundance, riches, resources.
sarcina : bundle, pack, burden, load.
te : (abl.) you / no one's sweeter than YOU.
pono posui positum : to lay, place, put, set / (milit.) post, station.
creator : creator, founder.
Malmundarium : Malmedy.
abeo : to go away, retire / depart from life, die.
satago : to pay a creditor, satisfy a creditor.
vespera : evening prayer, vespers.
diripio : to tear in pieces, lay waste, devastate, plunder.
consto : to be established, stand firm, stop, endure.
dolus : fraud, deceit, guile, treachery, a trap.
infenso : to attack, avenge.
serio : seriously.
famulatus : servitude, slavery, service.
humo : cover with earth, bury,
attollo : to raise, lift up, elevate / excite, exalt.
levis : light, slight, trivial / beardless, bald / light-armed.
vilicus, villicus : pertaining to an estate, overseer, steward.
abstergo : to wipe off, clean away.
curiosus : careful, attentive / curious, inquisitive / worn out by cares.
proficiscor : to depart, set out, to start forward, to arise.
modestus : orderly, within bounds, moderate, restrained.
petitus : inclining toward
re vera : in truth.
ignavus : lazy, listless, inert, sluggish cowardly, a coward.
impedito : a hinderance.
quibus : (neut. pl. dat.) the crimes FOR WHICH he was executed.
volaticus : winged, flying / inconstant, unreliable / flighty.
cernuus : falling headlong.
defessus : weary, tired.
ceteri : the remaining, the rest, the others
minor : smaller, less, slighter.
intendo : to stretch, strain, try to prove.
macer : thin, lean.
lux lucis : light.
procedo : to go out, come out / result, prosper / turn out well.
primoris : first, foremost / most distinguished, first.
adsidue assidue : continuously, without remission.
pungo pupugi punctum : to penetrate / sting, annoy, harass.
soleo : to be accustomed, be used to.
relaxo : to loosen, enlarge, relax, ease, lighten.
sordeo : to be dirty, appear vile.
inferus : below, under, southern.
crucio : to torture, torment.
asperitas : roughness, severity / harshness, fierceness.
madide : drunkenly.
jugiter : continually, perpetually, constantly / instantly.
turba : uproar, disturbance / mob, crowd, multitude.
quorum : (neut. pl. gen.) dangers, OF WHICH there were not a few.
inritus irritus : void, invalid, in vain, useless, ineffectual.
scaphium (sciphus : Herimann, cap. 24) pot, bowl, drinking vessel
inservio : to be a slave, serve, be devoted to.
videor : to be seen, seem, appear.
thema thematis : theme.
indagatio : investigation.
vacuus : empty, devoid of, free from.
infero : To carry in, put or place on.
quorum : (masc. pl. gen.) the army, half OF WHICH was ill.
proximus : nearest, closest, next.
fluo : to flow, pour, stream.
pello pepulli pulsum : to hit, beat / exile, drive away, banish.
claudeo : to limp, halt, be lame, to hobble.
quod : (neut. sing. acc.) (the sea), WHICH you cannot drink dry.
munitio : fortifying, defense works, bridging, fortification.
rogo : to ask, ask for.
trado tradidi traditum : surrender / hand over / transmit, teach.
devoco : to call away, call down, call aside.
praefero prefero : to carry in front, display, prefer.
delecto : to attract, delight / (pass + abl) take delight in.
contendo : to assert, maintain / shoot (a missile), cast.
quadruplor : to be an informant.
tripudio : to leap, jump, dance (as in a religious procession).
rarus : rare, uncommon.
monstrum : portent, omen, monster.
nullus : not any, no, none.
egenus : in want of, in need of, destitute.
demoror : to loiter, linger, tarry, belay.
odio : to hate, despite, hold in contempt, dislike strongly.
noster nostra nostrum : our, ours.
Vendolius : Vendeuil.
verbera : (in pl.) blows, a beating, thrashing.
incompositus : disorder, lack of regularity.
quereia querella : complaint, complaining.
pluo : to rain, shower, sprinkle.
acquiro : to acquire, gain, get, obtain.
arguo : to show, make clear, attempt to show.
vestrum vestri : your yours / you make sing about YOUR pretty gals.
navigatio : voyage, navigation.
Lesciense, monastery of : Liessies.
omnis : all, every.
summopere : very much, exceedingly.
textus : woven cloth, web.
salutor : visitor, caller.
recordor : to remember, think of, recollect, ponder over.
audacia : boldness, dash, daring, audacity.
concupiscentia : avarice, covetousness.
plaustrum : wagon, cart, charles Wain.
frendo : to gnash one's teeth, bruise, crush, grind.
admiror : to wonder at, admire, marvel at.
arx , arcis : citadel, stronghold, fortress, keep, donjon.
universus : combined in one, whole, entire.
inferi : those down below, the dead.
promineo : to stand out, jut, extend.
illud : (neut. sing. acc.) Break THOSE (fetters)!
turbatio : disturbance, confusion.
adsumo (assumo) : to take to oneself, claim, appropriate, call.
mancipo mancepo : to sell formally, turn over, give into charge.
promutuus : (cash) advanced, prepaid, arraigned beforehand.
differo : to delay, postpone / to differ, be different.
infirmatio : weakening / refusing / invalidating.
frequentia : a large concourse, population, numerous assembly.
penitus : (adv.) inside, widely, through and through, completely.
conatus : exertion, effort / undertaking / impulse, inclination.
ullus : any.
gravitas : weight, seriousness, dignity, importance.
Monasteriense : Munster.
civilis : civil, civic.
magis : more, to a greater extent, rather, for preference
militaris -e : of a soldier, military, martial.
refectorium : refectory, monastic mess hall.
praecipio, precipio : to instruct, advise, warn, anticipate.
advoco : to summon, call / call in an advisor.
inanis : empty, vain, inane.
levidensis : thin, slight, poor.
exustio : burning up, conflagration.
pecco : to do wrong, err, sin, go astray.
depulso : push aside, thrust away.
sollicito : to stir up, incite, arouse.
compes : fetters, shackles, chains.
oppugno : to fight against, attack, assault, assail.
diligens : diligent, careful.
apto : to fit, adapt, adjust, make ready, or fit.
labo : to totter, sink, begin to fall.
renuntio : to declare, announce, report, give notice.
tantus : so large, so great, of such a size.
placo : to placate, appease.
tego texi tectum : to cover, bury, conceal, hide, protect, shield.
concedo : to concede, yield, allow, grant, withdraw, give up.
Aurissiodorenses : Auxerre, dept. Yonne, between Paris and Dijon.
defleo : to bewail, weep for.
libenter : willingly, with pleasure.
ingens : of immoderate size, vast, huge, monstrous, remarkable.
expetens : desirous, eager.
magus : magical.
Leodie : Liege.
Boloniense : Bouillon.
exhorresco : to be horrified, to shake, shudder / dread, tremble at.
haec hec : (neut. pl. acc.) Deborah always won THESE (wars).
approbo : to approve.
autus : increase, enlargement, growth.
se gero : to conduct oneself, conduct, carry on.
derideo : to laugh at, mock, deride.
sacrificum : sacrifice.
prosum (profuturus) : to be useful, of benefit, do good.
trans : (+ acc.) across.
defigo : fasten down, secure, fix firmly / concentrate, fix upon.
investigo : to track down, investigate.
capillus : hair.
pariter : equally, in like manner, as well.
etiam : (adv.) even, also.
instanter : urgently.
volubilis : rolling, revolving, turning around / changeable, inconstant.
lasesco : to become tired, grow weary.
trucido : to kill cruelly, slay, butcher, massacre, slaughter.
quaestus questus : profit, a source of profit, gaining, getting.
orator : orator, speaker.
constupator : ravisher, debaucher.
infecunditas : barrenness, sterility.
praesumo presumo : to anticipate, take for granted.
impetro : to get, accomplish, effect, obtain (by asking).
commemoro : to remind, relate, mention.
insto : to pursue eagerly, devote oneself to.
demulceo : to stroke down, caress by stroking.
pario : to bear, bring forth, produce / create, make, get.
ignotus : unknown, obscure, ignorant, ignoble.
absens, absentis : (adj.) absent, missing, away, gone.
pretium : price, value, reward.
saturo : to fill, satisfy.
curator : guardian, overseer
contineo : hold together, keep together, connect, join.
nimis : (adv.) too much, overmuch, excessively
occulto : secretly.
propinquus : near, close, similar, nearly related.
peccatus : sin.
emanio : to flow out, spread / arise, emanate, originate.
malum : evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage.
maculosus : spotted, speckled, polluted.
perperam : wrongly, falsely.
duco : to draw, shape, construct / (time) spend, delay.
quaestuosus questuosus : profitable, fond of gain, rich.
repere : to crawl.
cruentus : bloody, bloodthirsty, blood-red.
quin etiam : why even, in fact, moreover.
sicut : as, just as, as it were, (+verb in subj.) just as if.
cohors : a yard, enclosure / troop, 1 / 10 of a legion.
modo : now, just now, only.
penus, us : provender, supplies, victuals.
morsus : a biting, bite, also, sting, pain.
textor textrix : weaver.
purpura : purple dye, purple cloth / high rank, emperorship.
villa : country house, country estate / (med.) manor, village.
curis quris : a spear.
finis : end, limit, boundary, purpose.
cicuta : hemlock.
infensus : hostile, aggressive / (arms) aimed, ready / (spirit) dangerous.
labrum : lip, edge, rim / bathing tub.
ingratus : ungrateful, unpleasant, disagreeable.
praeeo preeo : to go before, precede / to say in advance / to order.
curvo : to bend, arch, curve / influence.
adimpleo : to fulfill, perform.
eruo : to dig up, pull out / raze, demolish.
humilis : lowly, humble.
cohortor : to encourage, incite, exhort.
differo : to spread about, spread news / harrass, disturb.
madesco : to get wet.
repetitio : repetition.
pluit pluvit : it is raining, a shower is falling.
cunctor : to delay, impede, hold up.
seputus : buried, sunk, immersed.
aliquando : at any time, sometimes, occasionally, at last.
at : (conj.) but. (more emphatic and emotional than sed).
eximietate : uncommonness, excellence.
caute cautim : cautiously, with security.
frigus : cold, coolness, cold of winter / dullness, indolence.
venustas : loveliness, charm, attractiveness, beauty.
versus : line, verse.
esurio : to be hungry, to hunger.
consulatio : deliberation, inquiry, full consideration.
qualiter : as, just as.
inquis : you say.
dissero : to examine, treat of, discuss.
linteum : linen, napkin.
lupus : wolf.
illiam : (fem. sing. acc.) She wasted THAT (her youth).

turbo, onis : hurricane. tornado, that which spins
sepelio : to ruin, destroy, bury.
aegrus : ill, diseased, unwell.
interdico : to forbid, prohibit, outlaw, gain an injunction.
teneo : to grasp, know, understand.
nota : mark, token, note, sign.
curo : (+gerundive) to see to a thing being done / cure, rest.
labor lapsus : to slip, glide, slide.
ergo : (adv.) accordingly, then, therefore.
queribundus : complaining, plaintive, whining.
dissolutus : lax, weak, wanting in energy, dissolute, profligate.
destinatus : resolute, firm, determined, with one's mind made up.
tumulus : mound, grave, heap of earth.
consummo : to add together, sum up, make perfect, complete.
perseco : to cut through, dissect, cut away.
his : (masc. pl. dat.) Tell it TO THESE (policemen).
traho traxi tractum : to drag, pull / derive, get.
dignitas : merit, worth, prestige, dignity.
annus : year.
prorsus : forward, straight ahead, to sum up, utterly, wholly.
cunae : nest for young birds.
meus : my.
plebs plebis : the common people, the masses, the crowd.
vix : scarcely, hardly, with difficulty, barely.
quernus : oaken.
pertraho : to drag, forcibly conduct, entice, allure.
habeo habui habitum : to have, hold, possess / consider, regard.
lenocinor : to pander, flatter, make up to / to promote, advance.
par : equal, like.
aliquid : someone, somebody, something.
legens legentis : a reader.
horum : (neut. pl. gen) The cattle OF THESE (monsters) were fat.
lucror : to gain, profit, win.
conscius : conscious of, aware of.
placidus : quiet, still, gentle.
effervo : to boil up.
insinuo : to insinuate, work one's way in, intimate.
brevitas : shortness, brevity.
quibus : (masc. pl. dat.) the monastery IN WHICH he was interred.
quasso : to shake violently, shake to pieces, break, shatter..
inultus : unavenged, unpunished.
conservo : to preserve, conserve, maintain, keep, hold to.
promus : steward, butler.
vulticulus : look, aspect, appearance.
provectus : advanced, advanced in age.
lacrima Heliandum : amber.
aro : to plow.
nocens : bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil.
vulgus : the common people, mob, rabble.
dulcis : sweet, pleasant, agreeable.
claudus : lame.
prolatio : a bringing forward, mentioning / extension / deferring.
sato : to sow, plant.
continuus : connected together, continuous, uninterrupted.
tergus : the back / skin, hide, leather.
supersum : to be superfluous, to remain.
ludo lusi lusum : to play, sport / imitate, banter / delude, deceive.
cursito : to run up and down.
laevus levus : the left hand, left side, left-handed.
depereo : to perish, be utterly ruined.
diligentia : diligence, industry, perseverance, persistence.
dilgenter : attentively, earnestly, carefully, diligently.
diversus : different, unlike, opposed, hostile.
excolo : to honor (a deity), polish, adorn, refine, serve.
amo : to love, like, be fond of, cherish.
concisus : cut up, broken, brief, concise.
crinitus : long haired.
immundus : foul, impure.
puteus : well, pit.
dapifer : seneschal.
hoc : (neut. sing. acc.) Break THIS! (fetter)
purgo : to clean, cleanse, purify / clear away, wash off / justify.
mucro : a sharp point, edge, dagger point.
coepi : (pres. incipio ) : began, started, undertook, initiated.
praebeo prebeo : to offer, hold out, supply, provide, allow.
removeo : to draw back, set aside, take away.
sive seu : or if.
principium : beginning.
puniceus : purple, red.
acidus : sharp, sour.
sanctifico : to sanctify, make holy.
ipsemet : his own very self.
occido occidi occasum : to fall, fall down, (for the sun) to set.
quantus ... quantus : as great as, as much as.
pes pedis : foot.
quippe : certainly, to be sure, indeed, of course.
exclamo : to shout, cry aloud, exclaim, call someone by name.
levis : rapid, swift / unimportant / fickle, inconstant / unstable.
dido dididi didtum : to separate, divide, distribute.
phitonicum : Herimann p. 275.
et ... et : both ... and.
iaculator : : a thrower, javelin man, spear thrower.
inolesco : to grow in or on.
Sanctus Egidius : St. Gilles.
limen, limina : threshold.
cogito : to think, ruminate, ponder, consider, plan.
felix felicis : lucky, fortunate, happy.
instruo : to built in, set up, construct, furnish / train.
inrideo : to laugh at, mock, ridicule.
dux ducis : leader, guide, commander, general, duke.
certus : undoubted, certain, sure.
illi : (fem sing. dat.) There is a statue IN THAT (abbey).
peracto : to carry through, complete, accomplish.
pharetra : a quiver.
quapropter : wherefore.
indignus : unworthy, lacking in merit, unfit.
comptus : a head-dress, a hairband.
pluris : (gen.) at a higher price, of a great value
comiter : courteously, in a kindly, friendly manner.
viduo : to deprive
protinus : forward, further on, continuously, immediately.
remuneror : to repay, reward.
arcesso, accerso : to bring, fetch, summon, call for.
infitias ire : to deny.
aggredior : to go to, approach, address, attack.
cado : to fall, drop, plummet, topple.
digressus : separation, departure, digression.
adhaero : to hang to, stick to, adhere.
Hasnonium : Hasnon.
praesul presul : dancer / presider, protector, director.
initium : beginning, start, commencement, origin.
demens : (dementis ) : insane, mad, out of one's mind, foolish.
tenuis : thin, slight, feeble, slim, slender.
litterae : (pl.) letter, epistle, missive, note / literature.
seditio : dissension, quarrel, insurrection, mutiny, rising.
vorago : chasm, pit, abyss.
audeo : (part. ausus ) : to dare.
precor : to pray, beg, entreat, invoke.
iam : now, by now, already / presently, immediately, soon.
letalis : mortal, deadly, fatal.
monachus : monk.
saevio : to rage, be furious, take violent action.
natalis natalis : birthday.
vinitor : vine-dresser (a man who prunes grape vines).
hic : (masc. nom. sing.) THIS (house) is filthy.
lector : reader.
mollis : adj. soft, pliant, flexible, easily moved, gentle.
curo : to care for, trouble about, pay attention to.
confugo : to flee, have recourse to, take refuge.
ruo rui rutum : to rush, fall, be ruined.
solus : alone, only, the only.
tergum : back, rear.
salsus : salty, witty.
promulgatio : publication, promulgation (of a law).
impello : to drive against, strike upon.
praefero prefero : anticipate, carry by, ride by.
immerito : adv. undeservingly, without merit, unjustifiably.
qui : (masc. pl. nom.) Let THOSE (men) WHO have eyes to see ...
asporto : to carry off, take away.
tabesco : to melt, waste away, pine, be spoiled.
opprimo oppressi oppressum : to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check.
fors fortis : chance, luck, fortune.
animus : character, intellect, memory, consciousness, often mind.
ciminatio : accusation, calumny, charge.
hos : (masc. pl. acc.) They burned THESE (houses) to the ground.
fructus fructus : fruit, profit, enjoyment, produce.
libero : to liberate, set free.
quovis : to whatever place you will.
omnipotens : all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent
triginta : (inedl.) thirty.
restituo : restore, put back, replace, reinstate, repair.
truculenter : (adv.) wildly, savagely, fiercely, cruelly, roughly
invisus : hated, hateful.
infectum reddere : to revoke, render impossible, make void, annul.
curvus : arched, bent, bowed, curved, crooked, wrong (morally crooked).
quamtotius : ? completely.
prex precis : request, entreaty, prayer.
conscindo : to tear in pieces.
mitesco : to grow mild, ameliorate.
infidelis : unfaithful, disloyal, untrue.
taedium, tedium : disgust, weariness, boredom.
mereo : deserve, gain, obtain, serve as a soldier.
recondo : lay up, store, hoard.
praecedo precedo : to precede, go before / surpass, excel.
celebrer : famous, renowned.
thorax : breastplate
amicus : friend, comrade.
contemplatio : survey, contemplation.
secus : otherwise, not so.
deprecor : to beg by entreaty, to excuse oneself / curse.
complectus : embrace, grasp.
putus : pure, unmixed, unadulterated.
vos : you (pl) / YOU can't catch me, i'm the gingerbread man.
paries parietis : wall
aptus : suitable, appropriate, fitting.
insania : insanity, irrationality, madness, folly.
utor uti usus : to use, employ, possess, enjoy / associate with, find.
onero : to load, burden, oppress, fill up.
invetero : to give duration, to render old
harum : (fem. pl. gen.) The city wall had four OF THESE (gates).
iniquus : unequal, unjust, unfair.
laetitia letitia : fertility / richness, grace / joy, delight.
monitio : admonition, warning.
dissimulo : to conceal, disguise, keep secret.
insensatus : irrational.
alii ... alii : some ... others.
impunitus : unpunished, unrestrained, safe.
exitium : destruction, ruin.
praemium premium : reward, prize.
excuso : to exempt from blame, excuse, make excuses, plead.
degusto : to taste.
ex improviso : suddenly.
mando : to commit, entrust, order, command.
natio : nation, people.
persisto : to persist, persevere.
currus : cart / a plow with wheels.
immineo : to hang over, be imminent, threaten.
spolium : spoils, plunder, booty.
omitto : to omit, leave out / let go.
pulmentum : anything eaten with bread, sauce or relish.
fiducia : confidence, trust, assurance.
cogo, coegi, coactum : to bring together, drive, draw.
leto : to kill, slay.
diripio : to separate, tear apart / pillage, devastate, lay waste.
excito : call forth, bring about, wake, raise up.
sulum : each, every.
carus : dear, beloved / costly, high-priced, expensive.
contrado : to deliver together, or wholly.
culpo : to blame, censure, accuse.
solum : land, country, soil, ground / bottom, floor, foundation.
induco indux inductum : to lead in, introduce, induce, influence.
mador : wetness, moisture.
relictus : (fr. relinquo) having inherited, been bequeathed.
constituo : to set up, place, establish, post, station.
lepidus : charming, witty, pleasant, elegant.
quod : (beginning sentence) and, but, now.
crapula : wine-drinking, intoxication, drunkenness.
verto : to turn, turn around, turn up / to put to flight, rout.
festinus : hastening, hasty.
statuo : to cause to stand, establish, place, set up.
procinctu : prepared or ready for battle.
hortus ortus : garden / pl. grounds, park.
incertus : uncertain, doubtful, unsure, hesitant.
hic : (adv.) here.
vulnus : wound.
premo pressi pressum : to squeeze, press down, strike down.
vesica : bladder, bladder-like tumor.
Curtracus : Courtrai.
digestor : arranger, composer, one who makes a pattern.
sollicitudo : uneasiness, anxiety, disquiet, apprehension.
prosum : (with dat.) to be useful, do good, benefit.
eloquens : eloquent, persuasive, fluent.
mestitia : misfortune?
stabilis : firm, stable, steadfast.
pollex : thumb, big toe.
concutio : to shake, disturb, agitate.
tempus temporis : time.
caterva : crowd, troop, flock.
occurro : to fall upon, attack, work against, counteract.
oportunitas : convenience, fitness, advantage, opportunity.
passer : sparrow.
pertingo : to stretch out, extend.
munimentum : fortification, protection, defenses.
exerceo : to train, cultivate, keep at work, exercise, practice.
sum fui futurus : to be, exist.
reduco : to lead back, bring back, return.
celer : quick, swift, rapid, speedy, fast.
privo : to deprive
curriculum : a running, race, lap around the track, course.
paternus : of a father, paternal, native.
deripio : to tear down, snatch away.
illi : (neut sing. dat.) i'd give my right arm FOR THOSE (cookies).
punctum : a prick, little hole, puncture / a point, spot, place.
epulor : to feast, feast on.
construo construxi constructum : to construct, build, arrange.
comminus : hand to hand, in close combat.
adeo : to approach, visit, come to, undertake.
lebes : copper kettle, basin, cauldron.
porta : gate, entrance.
labia labium :lip (labiae : lips).
relucesco : to become bright again.
negotium : employment, business, task, occupation, pains.
laeto leto : to cheer, gladden, make joyful.
oblivio : forgetfulness, oblivion.
paratus : preparation, fitting out, equipment.
thymum : the herb thyme.
illis : (masc. pl. abl.) They passed BY THOSE (roads).
fides : promise, assurance, word of honor, engagement.
aliquo : (adv.) in some direction.
curtus : shortened / mutilated, defective / gelded.
arca archa : chest, box, money box, coffin, cell.
Leo : lion.
error : error, mistake, going astray.
immodicus : immoderate, excessive, beyond measure.
indo (past indidi) : to establish, cause, occasion.
avoco : to call away, divert.
deliciae : allurements, charms, delights, fancies / sweetheart
rego rexi rectum : to guide, direct, to rule.
durus : hard, harsh, tough, strong,enduring, / rough, rude, uncouth.
illae ille : (fem. pl. nom.) THOSE (women) must die!
infra : (adv.) below, underneath / to the south, in the underworld.
silentium : (religion) faultlessness, perfection.
servo : to watch over, keep, protect, observe, save, reserve.
audacter, audaciter : boldly, proudly, fearlessly.
edo : put forth, give out.
vere : truly, really, actually, rightly.
littera : letter (of the alphabet).
procul : far, at, to, from a distance.
fleo : to weep, cry, shed tears, sob.
talis : of such a kind, such.
uter utrius : either of the two
septem : seven.
prae pre : (adv.) before, in front.
pessimus : worst (see malus)
quinquennis : five years old.
utrum ... an : whether ... or.
fusus : (from fundo) : spread out, extended, wide, copious.
casus : accident, chance, fortune.
quasi : as if, just as, just as if, as it were / a sort of
confiteor confessus : to confess, own up, admit, acknowledge.
madidus : wet, moist, soaked, boiled, soft, drunk, dyed, steeped.
habitus : disposed, in a certain condition.
quercus : oak tree.
deduco : to lad out colonists, found a colony.
aliquanta : (adj.) moderate, or some size.
nonnisi : not? not unless? Herimann, cap. 34.
progenero : to produce, engender.
commoveo : to move violently, disturb, shake / excite, upset.
miser : wretched, unfortunate, miserable.
cuius : (neut. sing. gen) (the building) the size OF WHICH was great.
defungo : to discharge one's duties, quit, retire, die, finish
irritus : undecided, void, unfixed, of no effect.
noceo : (+ dat.) to do harm to, inflict injury, hurt.
volup : agreeably, pleasantly.
exilis : thin, slender, meager.
hortor : exhort, incite, encourage.
huic : (masc. sing. dat.) He sent FOR THIS (doctor).
secus : wrongly, badly, not as one would wish.
insequor : to follow, pursue, assail, reproach, rebuke, attack.
terebro : to bore through, perforate.
maeror meror : mourning, grief, sorrow.
dumtaxat : at least, not less than / at most, not more than.
econtra : the same as contra: against, opposite, etc.
demitto : set down, let fall (to offer payment to the church), lower.
termes : a tree branch (especially olive).
praemitto : to send forward, dispatch, send in advance.
acer : sharp, keen, eager, severe, fierce.
dolosus : crafty, cunning, sly, deceitful.
talus : the ankle, ankle bone,.
Auxatia : Alsace.
prout : just as, according to.
honorabilis : respectful.
Pevela : Pevle, near Cisoing.
saeta equina : horse-hair.
pro : (+ abl.) in front of, before / on behalf of, for.
ploratus : weeping, lamenting.
vomer : plowshare.
amoveo : to move away, remove, take out, shift.
plorabilis : deplorable.
integer : whole, untouched, unhurt, undamaged / complete, entire.
sibimet : to them themselves.
prohibeo : to prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit, forbid.
suasoria : persuasive discourse.
plico : to fold.
tot : (indecl.) so many.
solum : (adv) alone, only.
Marceniense : Marchiennes,
vultuosus : grimacing, affected.
quantum in me est : as much as in me lies.
infodio infodi infossum : to dig in, bury.
obviam : on the way, in the way / (+ dat.) towards, against.
percipio percepi perceptum : to gain, learn, perceive, understand.
quisquam : anyone, anything.
malus peior pessimus : bad, wicked, evil.
commodo : to make fit, adapt, please, oblige, serve.
nitor : brilliance, brightness, glow, elegance, splendor.
evenio : to come to pass, happen, befall.
lambo : to lick / (of rivers) to wash.
pessum : to the ground, to the bottom, downward.
sane : rationally, sensibly, really, indeed, to be sure.
consumo : to spend, employ, use up, finish, waste away, destroy.
puteo : to stink, be redolent, smell bad.
successio : succeeding, succession, descent, descendant.
lentesco : to become soft, flexible, sticky / to weaken, slacken.
fio, fieri, factus : be made, be done, become.
digressio : separation, departure, digression.
cribro : to sift.
amaritudo : bitterness.
devoveo : to consecrate, sacrifice, devote / curse, execrate.
consuesco : to accustom, inure, habituate
plumbeus : leaden, made of lead / dull, stupid, heavy, oppressive, bad.
exinde : thence, next / thereupon, after that, then / accordingly.
inconsulte : indiscreetly.
ambitus : border, edge, extent / going around, circuit.
apostolus : (legal) notice sent to a higher tribunal / ecc. Apostle.
cinis cineris : ashes, embers.
judicium : trial, legal investigation, judgement, decision.
imago : image, likeness.
externus : outer, foreign, outside, external.
ventus : wind, rumor, favor.
emercor : to buy up.
narro : to make known, say, speak, narrate.
paganus : countryman, peasant, pagan.
callidus : clever, dextrous, experienced, skilful / cunning, sly.
prominens : jutting out, standing out / a projection.
conspergo : to sprinkle, bestrew.
saepenumero : repeated, again and again.
mire : wonderfully, marvellously, uncommonly.
sanctimonia : purity, charity, virtue, sanctity, sacredness.
infesto : to attack, disquiet.
timeo : to fear, be afraid, dread.
erubesco : to blush, grow red, be ashamed.
lactatio : enticement, come-on.
plene : (adv.) completely, wholly, fully.
differo : to spread news / delay, defer, postpone.
obviam ire : (+ dat.) to go to meet, oppose / help, remedy.
catena : chain, fetters.
infeste : in a hostile manner, belligerently.
Helcim : Helchin on the left bank of the Scheldt.
damno : to condemn, damn.
melior : better.
mare maris : sea.
decorus : beautiful, graceful, charming, proper, fit, becoming.
macula : stain, mark, spot / blemish, fault, flaw.
tenax : grasping, stingy, clinging, frugal, obstinate.
timor : fear, dread, object causing fear.
terror : fright, fear, terror.
mundus : world, universe.
vinco vici victum : conquer, overcome, master, win, surpass, excel.
numerus : total, category, class, number.
colo colui cultum : cultivate, cherish
quinam quaenam quenam quodnam : which? what?
pauper : beggar, person without means.
cunabula : cradle.
infortunatus : unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky.
persequor persequi persecutus : to follow, pursue, take revenge.
suppellex suppellectilus : ornaments.
paene, pene : nearly, almost.
vae : (interj.), woe, alas, woe to.
commoneo : to remember, recollect.
Montensem : Mons.
hanc : (fem. sing. acc.) She wasted THIS (her youth).
ultra : (+ acc.) beyond, on the far side of.
comprehendo : to embrace, take firmly, include, seize.
pestifer : pestilential, injurious, damaging, plaguey,
adulescentia : youth
silens : silent, still
lucrosus : profitable, gainful.
videlicet : (adv.) (ironically) of course, to be sure.
communis : common, general, run of the mill.
facio : (trans.) to make, do, act, perform, cause, bring about.
priusquam : (conj.) before.
custos : (custodis) : guardian, keeper, watchman, attendant, guard / spy.
rhetor : rhetorician, teacher of rhetoric.
influo influi influxum : to flow in / to rush in, steal in.
recipio recepi receptum : to go back, retire, recede, retreat.
emoveo : to move away, remove, take away.
cunctus : all, all collectively, the whole.
caelum : sky, heaven.
potior : (+ gen. or dat.) to possess, hold, get possession of.
proficuus : proficiscor : to start forward, set out, depart, arise.
donec : up to the time when, until, as long as, while.
subiungo : to yoke beneath, join, attach, subdue, subjugate.
legio : legion
ocius : quick. fleet, sooner, faster.
sensus : feeling, sense.
horum : (masc. pl. gen.) The horses OF THESE (soldiers) are spent.
quaeso queso : to seek for, ask for.
domesticus : domestic, civil.
scindo : to cut, rend, split, divide, separate.
cursus : a race, a running, race course, race track, course.
mel mellis : honey.
consuetudo : custom, usage, habit / intimacy, familiar acquaintance.
dilabor : to break up, scatter, dissolve, slip away, fall apart.
infeliciter : unhappily.
despicio : to look down, regard from above, despise.
argentum : silver, money.
consueta : customary, usual.
expugno : to capture, overcome, subdue, take by storm, gain.
inter : (+ acc.) between, among.
civis : citizen, townsman, bourgeois, burgess.
memini meminisse : to remember.
interficio interfeci interfectum : to kill, murder, slay.
obligatus : bound, under an obligation.
levo : to raise, lift up / relieve, ease / diminish, weaken, impair.
pupa : doll / little girl.
allatus (=adfero) : having been brought.
illacrimo : (+ dat.) to weep over.
pugno : to fight.
constans : steady, firm, unchanging, constant, unwavering.
praepositus prepositus : (monastic) prior.
mollio : to soften, make pliant.
frater : brother.
quae : (neut. pl. nom.) WHAT cannot be avoided must be endured.
deporto : to carry off, to take away.
exsequor exequor : to follow to the grave, follow to the end.
sonitus : noise, sound.
cui : (masc. sing. dat.) TO WHOM did you give it?
commissum : undertaking, that which is entrusted.
labefacio labefeci labefactum : to shake, loosen / impair.
desparatus : given up on / desperate
concilium : council
illorum : (masc. pl. gen.) The horses OF THOSE (soldiers) are spent.
ne : (conj.) that ... not, in order that ... not, in order not to.
gaudium : joy, delight, happiness.
pasco : to graze, forage, browse.
canis : dog.
nunc quidem : at one time ... then.
adstringo : (persons) bind, oblige, (+ refl.) commit oneself to
veritas : truth.
elatus : puff-up, proud of oneself, arrogant.
amita : father's sister, paternal aunt.
promisce promiscue : indiscriminately.
nihil : (undeclinable) nothing
caries : rottenness, corruption, decay.
iratus : angry, wrathful.
amissio / amissus : loss.
effero extuli elatum : to carry out, bury, lift up, exalt.
ut : (+ subj.) (result) so that, that.
hesito (haesito) : to be unsure, uncertain, wavering.
quibus : (fem. pl. abl.) the beards, BY WHICH the pirates were known.
quae : (neut. pl. acc.) those things WHICH we must have
penitus : inward, inner, interior.
quamquam : nevertheless, and yet (beginning a sentence) / though.
sal salis : salt, wit.
sapiens : (subs.) a wise man, philosopher.
curo : manage, administer / provide money.
fines finium : boundaries, limits, / territory.
furtum : theft, robbery / furta : stolen property / trick, deceit.
vitiosus : vicious, full of vice, corrupt.
redono : to give back, give up.
fundo : to pour, pour out (like molten metal), melt, cast.
dimitto : to break up, dismiss, leave, abandon.
difficultas : difficulty, need, trouble, distress.
provisor : one who provides for, or against.
discrepo : to differ, to be different, vary, disagree.
frustra esse : to be deceived, to be mistaken.
sub : (+ acc. or dat.) under, up under, close to, beneath, below.
velox : quick, rapid, swift, fast.
refero : to bring back a message, refer.
singultim : stammeringly.
suffoco : to strangle, choke, suffocate.
lamia : witch, vampire.
sopor : deep sleep.
contente : eagerly, earnestly.
mutuus : a loan. dare mutuum : to make a loan. N nam : namque : (conj.) for.
liber libera, liberum : free, independent, unrestricted.
nondum : not yet
nutus : a nod, command, will / gravitation, movement down.
pereo : to pass away, be destroyed, perish.
prudenter : wisely, discreetly.
unus : one, only one, at the same time / single, alone.
diruo : to demolish, destroy, ruin.
puchre : beautifully, finely, handsomely.
quatenus / quatinus : how far, to what extent, where, seeing that.
plenus : full, complete, full, satisfied, rich, mature, plump.
ploro : to lament, weep, weep over.
pulchritudo pulchritudinis : beauty, fineness.
compleo : to fill up, man, bring up to strength, fulfill.
imbrium : of rain.
inveteratus : hardened by age, of long-standing.
St. Richarius : St. Riquier.
perpetro : to complete, accomplish, perform.
expleo explevi expletum : to fill, fill up, complete, finish.
colligo : to gather together, collect, assemble.
opportunus : fit, suitable / (time) favorable / (+dat.) liable to.
mors mortis : death.
impenetrabiilis : impenetrable.
sublime : on high, aloft.
voco : to call, summon, name invite.
promontorium : peak, mountain crest, ridge, promontory.
tametsi : even if, although.
mutuus : interchanged, mutually, reciprocal / reciprocity.
progener : husband of a grand-daughter.
episcopalis : episcopal
manus manus : hand, band, handwriting.
vorax : gluttonous, voracious.
juventus : the age of youth (20-40 years).
reus : defendant, accused, answerable, bound.
spargo sparsi sparsum : scatter, strew, spread.
miror : to marvel at, admire, wonder.
quem : (masc. sing. acc.) (the man), WHOM the king struck.
claro : to make bright or clear, make clear in the mind.
lino : to smear, befoul, dirty.
loquax loquacis : talkative, loquacious, garrulous.
perturbo : to disturb, trouble, perturb, disrupt.
munus muneris : service, office, function, duty / gift.
vilis : cheap, worth little.
tracto : to drag, handle / treat, discuss, deal with.
attonbitus : frantic, inspired, thunder-struck, stunned.
praemo premo : to press down, strike down.
everto : to turn out, eject, dislodge, overturn / destroy, ruin.
adopto : to wish for oneself, adopt, select, pick out.
plurimi : at the highest price, of the highest worth.
quam : (fem. sing. acc.) (the church), WHICH the Lord loved.
compositio : composition, agreement, pact / arrangement.
haec hec : (fem. sing. nom.) THIS (sword) is more expensive.
modica : moderate, within bounds, limited, undistinguished.
siquidem : since, indeed
dominus domino : master, lord.
patefacio : to disclose, expose, open, make open.
sapienter : wisely, judiciously.
dilato : to spread out, extend, expand, increase.
socer : father in law.
exertus : tested, tried, approved, experienced.
vapulus : flogged, beaten, knocked about.
dubium : doubt, hesitation, reservation.
prolecto : to entice, allure.
tricesimus : thirtieth.
transmitto : to send, carry, or convey across.
aestivus estivus : pertaining to summer.
voveo vovi votum : to promise to God, vow, pray for.
hic haec (hec ) hoc : this, the latter / he, she, it.
audentia : boldness, courage.
inflatus : pompous, swollen, puffed up, inflated.
principatus : rule, dominion, pre-eminence, first place.
subvenio : to come up to aid, relieve.
cedo cessi cessum : to grant, yield.
aliquantum : (noun) a good deal.
nauta : sailor.
conforto : to strengthen much.
profundum : a depth, abyss, chasm / the sea.
redemptio : ransoming, redemption, buying back, farming taxes.
lens lentis : lentil.
undique : from all sides, everywhere, on all sides, altogether.
illum : (masc. sing. acc.) He ate THAT (fruit).
igitur : therefore, consequently, for this reason.
fama : talk, report, rumor, tradition.
desipio : to act foolishly, play the fool, make an ass of one's self.
distulo :(past) to delay [MGHss 25 : 268].
exesto : extra esto.
flumen : river.
quaesitio quesitio : investigation, interrogation.
opprobrium : reproach, disgrace.
intus : within.
argumentum : proof, evidence.
pecto : to comb, card, thrash (to card wool).
incipio : to take in hand, begin, commence.
iubeo iussi iussum : to order, command.
contineo contigi, contectum : border on / befall (good luck).
ceno : to dine.
promptus : (persons) prepared, resolute, prompt.
utrum : whether.
quantum : how much?, how much!, as much as.
famulus : servant.
perseverantia : perseverance, persistence.
faenum fenum : hay.
aveho : to carry away, remove (avexi avectum )
suus sua suum : (refl. poss. adj.) his, her, its, their own.
consuo consui consutum : to sew together, stitch.
decor : beauty, grace.
comis : courteous, kind, friendly.
stips, stipis : small coin, gift.
rostrum : bill of a bird, beak.
derelinquo : to forsake, desert, abandon.
obruo : to overwhelm, destroy.
quando : (interr.) when si quando : if ever.
mater matris : mother.
decens, decenter : properly, fittingly, suitably.
volo : to wish, want, will, ordain, suppose, maintain that, be willing.
gratia : (in the abl.) on account of.
lepor lepos : charm, wit, elegance.
quoque : also, too.
depono : to put down, lay aside.
volubiliter : fluently.
praepono prepono : to set over, prefer.
lamentabilis : lamentable, mournful.
mensis mensis : month.
Siclinium : Seclin.
alo (alui altum) : nourish, cherish, support, sustain, maintain, keep.
inficio infeci infectum : to poison, taint, corrupt.
necdum (neque dum) : and not yet.
femina : woman
mediocris : ordinary, average, fair, moderate, mediocre.
accipio : to consider oneself indebted, receive, learn, take.
inflammo : to set on fire, inflame, to torch, kindle.
concido : to be ruined, fail / cut up, cut down, destroy.
inruo irruo : to rush in, fling in.
largior : lavish, bestow, grant, give abundantly.
vespillo : undertaker.
condico : to agree, fix, settle, make arrangements.
recro : to recreate, restore, revive.
indico : to proclaim, make publicly known, announce, disclose.
mora : delay
confero : to bring together, put together, collect /
denuncio : declare, give notice, announce.
specto : to look at, watch, see.
monasterium : monastery, abbey, convent.
lima : file, polishing, revision.
cunctator : delayer, procrastinator,
inflo : to blow into / to inspire, puff up, elate.
gravatus : sick, oppressed, ill.
congregatio : assembly, society, union.
antepono : (+ dat.) put before, prefer, favor, promote.
liberalis : courteous, generous, gentlemanly.
contego : to cover, shield, protect, defend.
mons montis : mountain, mount.
ita : (in narration) and so; (with adj. or adv.) so, so very.
fere : almost, nearly, not quite, generally.
ferrum : iron, sword.
dictator : dictator.
vociferor : to cry aloud, shout.
Treverim : Triers.
lex legis : law, statute / covenant, agreement
si : if.
vinum : wine.
laboro : (trans.) work out, prepare, arrange, form, elaborate.
peto : to make for, go to, seek, strive after.
quotienscumque : however often.
pugnus : the fist.
pirum : pear.
lacteus : of milk, milky, milk-white.
facunditas : fertility, quickness or readiness of speech.
hoc : (masc. sing. abl.) He gave plenty FOR THIS (field).
cuius : (masc. sing. gen.) (the saint) WHOSE virtues were many.
spolio : to strip, plunder, despoil, rob, loot
quadrigae : four-horse team.
Tornacense : Tournai.
aegre egre : (adv.) hardly, scarcely, with difficulty, laboriously.
secus : non secus, haud secus: just so.
Uticensium : Evroul.
degenero : to cause to degenerate, disgrace by degeneracy.
matertera : maternal aunt.
sapientia : wisdom.
eripio : (eripui ereptum ) : to snatch away, take away, rescue.
erogo : to pay out.
invito : to invite, summon.
plumbum : lead, a bullet, lead pipe.
corruo : to fall to the ground, sink down / be ruined, destroyed.
adulatio : fawning, flattery, sycophancy, buttering up.
elementum : first principle, element, basic constituent.
disco : to learn, become acquainted with.
anser : goose.
iuvo : to help, aid, assist / to please.
Gandavum : Ghent.
aedificium edificium : building, structure.
plorator : a lamenter.
male peius pessime : badly, ill, wrongly.
tamen : notwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still, for all that.
opportunus : opportune, fit, convenient, suitable.
lentus : tough, resistant, tenacious / supple, pliant /
meditor meditatus : to reflect upon, consider, ponder / practice.
festinatio : speed, haste.
instar : a form, figure, after the fashion of, like.
comes comitis : companion, friend, comrade / count.
suppono subpono : to put in place of, substitute, forge.
pictor : painter
frendo : gnash the teeth, crush, bruise, grind.
pluvialis : pertaining to rain, of rain.
animus : courage, vivacity, bravery, will, spirit, soul.
ipse ipsa ipsum : himself, herself, itself.
animi : at heart.
votum : prayer, wish, desire / promise to God.
respondeo respondi responsum : to answer, reply, respond.
lepus : hare, rabbit.
obsequium : indulgence, pliancy, submission.
dexter : right, on the right.
peruro perussi perustum : to burn up, consume / inflame, gall, chafe.
respicio : to look back, provide for, respect, have regard for.
Laudunum : Laon.
ascisco : to receive, admit / adopt / take up, approve.
tantillus : so little, so small.
vilitas : cheapness, low-price, worthlessness.
timidus : fearful, timid.
revenio : to come back, return.
scientia : knowledge, science, skill.
omnigenus : of all kinds.
levatio : alleviation, mitigation, solace.
universi : all together.
voluntarius : voluntary.
diutinus : lasting a long time, enduring, long-lived.
continuo : (adv.) immediately, at once.
pervenio : (+ acc.) to reach, attain, reach, be passed to.
tener tenera tenerum : tender, delicate, soft, young.
praesum presum : to be at the head of, be in charge of.
duo : two
compatior : to suffer with one, feel pity, have compassion.
lacertosus : muscular, powerful.
viduata : deprived, widowed, bereft.
piscator : fisherman.
concero : connect join, twine, join in conflict.
familia : family, household.
officium : duty, service, job.
praeda preda : plunder, booty, spoils of war, loot, gain, prey.
concutio : to shake together, agitate, alarm, disturb, shatter.
pluma : feather / featherbed / pen.
specus : cave, cavern, grotto, den.
plumbum album : tin.
contemptim : contemptuously.
stipes, itis : log, tree-trunk, branch, post, club, blockhead.
nascor nasci natus : to be born, spring forth.
statim : firmly, steadfastly, on the spot, at once, immediately.
consilium : advice, suggestion, wisdom, plan, purpose, judgment.
Lutosensis : Leuze.
repugno : to fight against, oppose, resist / be incompatible with.
aqua : water.
auris : ear.
socius : sharing, associated, allied.
bellum : war.
pravitas : crookedness, depravity, deformity, perversity.
cruentus : to make bloody, stain with blood.
infirmus : not strong, weak, feeble / (sometimes) sick, ill.
tergiversatio : backwardness, reluctance, evasion.
aegresco : to become ill, grow worse, be ill.
proinde quasi proinde ac si : just as if.
noster nostri : our ours / OUR hearts beat as one.
secerno secrevi secretum : to separate.
fultus : supporter.
cotidie : daily, every day.
infectus : unworked / not done, unfinished, incomplete.
saepe sepe : hedge, fence, enclosure, haye.
consilium : deliberation, consultation, assembly, council.
pectus pectoris : heart, breast.
libertas : freedom, liberty, independence / frankness, candor.
statuo : to give a ruling, make an arrangement, decide.
quam : (adv. and conj.) how, than, as ... as possible.
hac : this side, this way, here.
illis : (neut. pl. dat.) Listen TO THESE (orders).
caste : purely, spotlessly, purely, uprightly, chastely.
nequaquam : by no means, not at all.
locupleto : to enrich, make wealthy.
teres : rounded, polished, smooth, fine, elegant.
abutor : to use abusive language / use a word incorrectly.
nitesco : to begin to shine, grow sleek.
minuo minui minutum : To less, diminish, decrease, grow smaller.
turbatus : angered, exasperated / disturbed, restless, troubled.
commoneo : to impress upon one. to remind.
prudens : prudent, wise.
infervesco : to come to a boil, become hot.
impendeo : to hang over, threaten, menace, be imminent.
creta : chalk, fuller's earth.
ideo : for that reason, on that account, therefore.
solutio : loosening / payment / solution / explanation.
aeger eger : sick, ill.
denuo : anew, again, a second time, afresh.
pertinacia : firmness, obstinacy, stubbornness.
iuxta : (+ acc.) close to, near to / (time) just before.
cuppedia : delicacies, candies, sweetmeats.
speculum : mirror.
comitatus : train, retinue, following / war band.
dictito : to say often, reiterate.
volva vulva : womb (particularly that of a sow).
saepe sepe : often, frequently, repeatedly.
cursor : runner, carrier, messenger.
lingua : language, tongue, speech.
breviter : briefly.
subvenio : to come to the aid, succor, relieve, help, assist.
lac lactis : milk.
tepidus : warm, luke-warm, tepid
lacrimo : to weep, shed tears / exude, drip.
copiae copie : supplies, troops, forces.
textilis : woven fabric, piece of cloth.
solium : chair of state, throne / bath-tub.
exhibeo : to show, present, allow, display, present, offer.
tollo sustuli sublatum : to lift up, raise, elevate, carry away.
campana : bell.
sustineo : to hold up, sustain, endure.
superficies : surface, top.
viridis : green.
volo : to fly, speed, move rapidly.
compello : to drive together, collect, force, compel.
posterus, postremo : subsequent, following, next, future.
ilico : on the spot, immediately.
erubesco : (+ inf.) to blush to, (+acc.) blush for, respect.
somniculouse : sleepily, drowsily.
prolapsio : a slipping or sliding.
extollo : to praise exaggerate / decorate, adorn.
relego relegi relectum : to read again, re-read.
Condato : Cond.
rumor : rumor, gossip.
arbitro arbitror : to witness, bear witness / judge, arbitrate.
mansuetus : mild, soft, gentle.
pulcher pulchra pulchrum : beautiful, handsome, fine.
auxilium : aid, help, assistance, support.
propugnaculum : fortification, rampart, defense.
formo : to shape, form, fashion.
res rei : thing, matter, business, affair.
quantuvis : as great as you please, however great.
intumesco : to swell up, increase, swell with anger.
incido : to fall in or on, fall in with / happen, occur.
an : (adv.) or "Are you going OR are you staying?"
cometes : comet
plerusque : very many, a great number, a large part, the greater part.
amor : love, affection, infatuation, passion.
caput capitis : head / top, summit / chief
cur : why, wherefore.
sollicitus : troubled, anxious, concerned, worried.
absorbeo : to swallow, gulp down, carry away, engross.
contraho : to draw together, collect, assemble, carry out.
privigna : step-daughter.
curatio : attention / medical attention, healing, curing.
vivo vixi victum : to live, be alive.
abbas abbatis : father / abbot.
te : (acc.) you / I got YOU, babe.
verto : to flee / interpret, understand / upset, overthrow.
do dare dedi datum : to give, offer, convey, offer, donate, furnish.
propero : to hasten / accelerate, speed up.
gregatim : adv., In flocks, herds, troops, crowds.
validus : strong, mighty, powerful, exceeding.
loci : (pl.) passages in literary works.
dominatus : rule, mastery, tyranny, domination.
insisto : to enter upon [a journey] tread; (with d.) follow.
diu : adv. a long while, long time, for a long time.
bonus melior optimus : good, better, best.
utrimque : from both sides, on both sides.
desolo : to leave desolate, abandoned, to forsake.
aduro (adustum) : to set fire to, burn, singe, kindle, light.
super : (prep.) (+ abl.) over, above / concerning, about, besides.
constituo : to arrange, decide, appoint, settle, found, set up.
pluvia : rain, shower.
otium : ease, leisure, inactivity.
pollen : (also pollis ): fine flour, fine meal.
finitimus finitumus : neighboring, adjacent, related to, similar.
erro : to wander, stray, rove / be mistaken, err, go astray.
scabies : the itch, mange, a rash.
subito : adv. suddenly, unexpectedly.
gladius : sword.
cum : (with indicative) when.
vultur voltur vulturius volturius : vulture.
laqueus : snare, trap, noose.
expostulo : to demand earnestly / to make a claim.
idcirco : on that account, for that reason, for that purpose.
etsi : (acsi) even if, although.
feretrum : bier, litter.
ille illa illud : that, the former, the famous / he, she, it.
vallum : palisade, earthen wall, entrenchment, rampart.
comburo : to burn up, to ruin, consume.
propositum : a design, purpose, scheme, theme of discourse.
satio : to satisfy, sate.
super : (adv.) over, above, besides, beyond, moreover, remaining.
pudendus : shameful, disgraceful.
congrego : to gather together, assemble, convene.
placitum : accord, agreement, pact / assembly for judgment.
commodum : suitable time, opportunity, convenience, use.
lacesso : to harass, attack.
vulpes volpes : fox.
exigo : complete, finish, determine, decide, settle.
odium : hatred.
deprecator : intercessor, one who pleads on behalf.
cum : (prep + abl.) with.
demo : to take away, subtract.
ingero : to go off to, betake oneself to, pour forth, inflict.
per : (+ acc.) (means / instrument) through, with, by, by means of.
adicio : to direct, address, apply / to throw to.
tabernus : booth, hut, cottage, hove, small shop, inn, tavern.
potens : able, mighty, powerful, strong.
quantocius quantotius : the soon the better.
superfluo : flow over, overflow, be superfluous.
noster nostri : our ours / that old dream of OURS
testimonium : proof, evidence, witness, indication.
graviter : heavily, seriously.
valens : strong, powerful, healthy / able, worthwhile.
incubo : to hang over, dwell in, lie heavily upon.
homo hominis : human being, man.
lactuca : lettuce.
requiesco requievi requietum : to rest.
blandior : to flatter, caress, (+ dat.) coax.
increpo : (of persons) to chide, rebuke.
consuefacio : to accustom, acclimate, become used to.
vis vires : (pl.) force, power, strength, might, influence.
opto : to desire, wish for, want.
ventosus : full of wind, windy, breezy.
appono : to appoint a person, to add something.
emendo : to amend, correct
severitas : severity, rigor, sternness, strictness.
adinventitias : (?) Herimann, cap 2.
privatus : private, unofficial, a private person.
apud : (prep. + acc.) among, in the presence of, at, at the house of.
sto, steti, statum : to stand, stand still, stand firm.
decimus : tenth.
sitio : to be thirsty.
numquam : adv. at no time, never.
quantuscumque quantacumque quantumcumque : however great
posteri : posterity.
maiestas : majesty, dignity, greatness.
termino : restrict, define, close, set a limit to.
comprobo : to approve fully / to confirm, prove, establish.
impraesentiarum : for the present, in present circumstances.
inceptor : beginner.
singulus : single, separate, one at a time, one each.
qualiscumque : of any kind whatever, any whatever.
redundantia : overflowing, redundancy.
labes labis : stain, blemish, disgrace, infamy / misfortune.
mens mentis : mind, thought, intention, intellect.
levamen : alleviation, mitigation, solace, refreshment.
labefacto : to weaken, disturb / shake violently.
singularis : alone, unique, extraordinary, individual, singular.
porro : forward, further, next, in turn, (of time) long ago.
libero : to set free, deliver, liberate, release / exempt
adepto : to obtain, get, acquire.
illius : (masc. fem. neut. gen. sing.) Go ahead, eat some OF THAT.
per : (+ acc.) (of space) through, along, over / in the presence of.
maritus : husband.
absconditus : hidden, concealed.
ustulo : to burn, scorch, singe.
promptu : in promptu esse : to be ready, to be easy, to be clear.
levo : to smooth, polish.
laboriose : laboriously, with great effort
urbanus : urban, urbane, pertaining to the city.
districtus (fr. distringo) : strict, severe / hesitating / busy.
mulier : woman.
vehementer : violently, forcefully, strongly, exceedingly.
neque ... neque : neither ... nor.
instructus : trained, taught.
incito : to excite, spur, inspire, increase / hasten, urge on.
instruo : prepare, provide / draw up an order of battle.
nidor : vapor, smell, reek, odor.
praegravo pregravo : to press heavily upon, weigh down, oppress.
libido : whim, caprice, violent desire, passionate longing.
eluvies : a flowing over, flood, innundation.
thesaurus : treasure, horde / store-room, treasury.
eximo : to free, release, take out, remove, waste.
sententia : opinion, thought, way of thinking, meaning, purpose.
scaber : scabby, rough.
rigor : stiffness, hardness, sternness.
sperno sprevi spretum : to scorn, despise, spurn.
hilaris : cheerful, merry, gay.
quomodo : in what manner, how / in whatever way, somehow.
hostis : an enemy of the state.
utique : at any rate, certainly, at least.
indignatio : indignation.
humus : ground, earth, soil / land, country.
armo : to provide arms, arm, equip, fit out.
desidiosus : lazy, unmotivated.
prosper : favorable, fortunate, lucky, prosperous.
absum : to be absent, be away, be missing.
moratlis : mortal.
admoveo : to move to, bring up, apply.
praesto presto : to do, perform, display, fulfill, offer, present.
dummodo : (conj. + subj.) provided
forensis, e : legal.
adaugeo : to make greater, add, increase.
perterreo : to terrify.
iuxta : just short of.
pendeo : to hang, depend, be suspended / be uncertain, undecided.
procella : storm, tempest, gale; (milit) charge, onset, wave.
clarus : clear, bright / renowned, famous, illustrious
titulus : label, title, placard.
creptio : taking by force, seizure.
alveus : hollow, basket, bed (of a river).
ministro : to attend, wait upon, assist.
vulgo : to spread, publish, impart, make accessible.
illud : (neut. sing. nom.) THAT (monastery) is well-built.
bellicus : martial, military, war-like.
prae quam / pre quam : in comparison with.
mortifera : deadly things
toties : often, so many times.
irritum : nothingness, worthlessness, vanity.
tristis : sad, gloomy, downcast.
aggero : to make a mound, heap up, increase.
glorior : to glory, boast, pride oneself.
autem : moreover, however, but, also.
domito : to tame, subdue, break in.
plaga : district, zone, region.
memoratus : mentioned.
aeneus eneus : made of copper or bronze, brazen.
praeter : adj., except; prep. + acc., besides, beyond, more than.
macto : to magnify, glorify, honor / slay, fight, punish, afflict.
navigo : to sail, navigate.
repeto : to return to, begin again, deduce, recall, recollect.
in : (+ abl.) in.
certo : to contend, settle, dispute, to settle by combat.
opisthotonos : A disease where the body is curved backward.
hactenus : hitherto, up to this point, so far.
lectica : litter, bier.
laetatio letatio : rejoicing, joy.
fas : divine law or command / fate, destiny / lawful, allowed.
pater patris : father.
pendo : to weigh, value, consider, judge, esteem.
perfruor : to execute completely, enjoy to the full.
victus : living, manner of life / nourishment, food.
arbustus : planted with trees.
victor : victor, winner.
priores, um : forefathers, ancestors.
misericordia : pity, mercy.
sermo : discussion, talk, common talk, conversation, rumor.
pertinax : persistent, firm, mean, stubborn, obstinate
quanto : by how much (+ comp. adj. or adv.)
recupero : to regain, recoup, recover.
percutio (percussum) : to strike hard, pierce, transfix / shock.
reformo : to form again, mould anew.
relinquo : to leave behind, bequeath / abandon, forsake.
cultellus : a little knife.
nimirum : of course, undoubtedly, certainly (sometimes ironical).
ego : I ; I can't live without you, baby.
invictus : unconquer, unconquerable, undefeated.
otium : free time, leisure, ease, peace, repose.
invalesco : to gather strength, become stronger.
valetudo : health. good health, bad health.
coloratus : colored / dark-complexioned.
itaque : (adv.) and, so, therefore.
regius : royal, regal.
prolicio prolixi : to lure forth, entice.
excipio : (excepi exceptum ) : to take out, except / take, capture.
torrens : rushing, seething, burning, parched / a torrent.
interdico : to forbid, prohibit, interdict.
ac : (atque) : and
repono : to deposit, lay up, store / requite.
rex rgis : king.
quies quietis : quiet, rest, peace.
ventus : wind.
tendo : to direct one's course, tend, make or head for.
commessatio, onis : eating together.
recolo : to cultivate, work again, resume, rehabilitate
fortunate : fortunately.
vestigium : footstep, trace, mark.
pecus : a single head of cattle, especially a sheep.
arbor : tree.
avarus : greedy, avaricious.
multi : many, numerous / the common herd.
insurgo insurgi insurrectum : to rise up, rebel, revolt.
Santiago : St. James.
Inda : Cornelism / Anster.
attero : destroy, waste, weaken, impair.
persuadeo persuasi persuasum : (+ dat.) to persuade.
primo : first, at first, at the beginning, at the start.
luxuria : luxury, extravagance, opulence.
praesto : to stand before, be outstanding, excell, surpass, show.
conor : to undertake, try, venture, presume, attempt.
vigor : vigor, liveliness.
scrinium : bookcase, case for papers.
licet : (as conj.) granted that, although.
quamvis : (conj) however much, although / as much as you like.
recolo : reflect upon, consider, recall.
fero tuli latum : to carry, bring, tell, relate, and much else.
egeo : to need, lack, want, be without.
carpo : to pluck, seize, grab, lay hold of, hold on to.
cornu : horn.
abutor : to make full use of, to abuse.
artificiosus : skillful, accomplished, skillfuly made.
asper : rough, harsh, severe.
neo : to spin, interweave. (to spin thread and yarn).
infideliter : faithlessly, disloyally.
dico : (dictum ) to say, tell, speak, name, call, pronounce.
illorum : (neut. pl. gen) The cattle OF THESE (monsters) were fat.
admitto : to admit, receive.
placeo : (+ dat.) to please, be agreeable to
epistula : letter, epistle, missive, message.
callide : skillfully, cleverly / cunningly, slyly, subtly.
honor : honor, esteem, public office.
primitus : first, for the first time.
fundo : (milit.) to rout, scatter, defeat, put to flight.
illis : (neut. pl. abl.) She earned it BY THESE (her deeds).
adversus : (prep. + acc.) toward, against, facing
reconcilio : to restore, repair / (of persons) unite, reconcile.
intentio : effort, exertion, attention, intent / attack, accusation.
censura : judgement.
degenero : to be unlike one's kind, fall off, degenerate.
quilibet : anyone, anything.
laudator : praiser.
lacteus : milky, of milk, milk-white.
chirographum : autograph, person's own handwriting / written charter.
delicate : luxuriously, delicately, slowly.
utpote : adv. namely, seeing that, inasmuch as, since.
superne : from above, above.
succendo : to kindle, set afire from below.
infantia : infancy, babyhood.
praesentia presentia : presence, presence of mind, effect, power.
depromo : to take down, produce, fetch out.
nefas : wrong, sin.
eminor : to threaten, menace.
fortis : strong, brave.
baiulus : porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden.
appropinquo : (+ dat.) to near, drawn near, come close, approach.
quo : (masc. sing. abl.) (the money) BY means of WHICH he lived.
libellus : little book.
retraho retraxi retractum : to draw back, pull back.
unde : whence, from where / how, from whom.
hodie : today.
mundus : clean, neat, elegant.
jaculum : dart, javelin.
perniciosus : pernicious, destructive.
proletarius : a citizen of the lowest rank.
milia : (pl.) thousands.
provolvere se : to throw oneself down, abase oneself.
parco : (+inf.: to forbear to), avoid, spare, keep oneself from.
incorruptus : uncorrupted, genuine, pure.
labrusca : wild grape vine.
gratia agere : (+ dat.) to thank.
optimates : the aristocratic party.
ut : (+ subj.) (purpose) in order that, to, that.
Scaldus : Scheldt.
acervus : a heap, mass.
scelus sceleris : crime, sin, evil deed, wickedness.
tonsor : barbar.
considero : to look at, regard carefully,
suggero : to bring up, supply, provide, add, attach. place next.
procella : storm, tempest, gale.
decipio : (deceptus) ensnare, trap, beguile, deceive, cheat.
comprovincialis : born in the same province.
combibo : to drink up, suck in.
demum : at length at last, finally.
evoco : to draw out, draw on, produce, recall to the colors.
deorsum : downwards.
sursum : upwards, sursum deorsum : up and down.
solum : non solum ... sed etiam : not only ... but also.
detego detectum : to uncover, lay bare, disclose.
decretum : decree, judgment, edict, order.
se habere : to keep oneself.
benigne : kindly, generously.
infirmo : to weaken / shake / invalidate, annull
compositus : orderly, matching, made up of pieces.
quaestio questio : seeking, searching / inquiry, investigation.
xiphias : sword-fish.
toties, toties : so often, so many times.
scamnum : bench, stool.
Brachants : Brabant.
sequor sequi secutus : to follow, trail.
patronus : patron, protector.
relevo : to lift again, lighten, alleviate, relieve.
impero : to give orders, command / to rule, hold sway.
aliqui : some.
verus : true, real, proper, right.
adulescens : young man, youth, lad.
filia : daughter
taceo tacuitacitum : to be silent, leave unmentioned.
labor laboris : labor, work, toil
sentio : feel, perceive, experience, hold an opinion,
coniuratus : conspirator, plotter.
iustus : just, right, equitable.
postpono : to put after, consider secondary.
aperio : to uncover, lay bare, reveal, make clear.
gratia : gratitude, favor.
idoneus : proper, worthy, fitting, deserving, capable.
qualis : of what kind? of the kind that.
insperatus : unexpected, unlooked for, unanticipated.
mortuus : dead, deceased, passed away, gone West, departed.
muto : to change, alter / exchange.
pristinus : former, venerable, ancient.
vox vocis : voice, word / (med.) power, right, authority.
beneficium : benefit, favor, service, privilege, right.
defaeco : to cleanse, purify, purge.
nonnumquam : sometimes.
copia : abundance, supply.
uxor : wife, spouse.
aliqua : some.
denego : to refuse, deny, reject.
ingravesco : to become heavy, become a burden.
dissimulo : to ignore, leave unnoticed.
praenuntio, prenuntio : to foretell, announce before hand.
tolero : to tolerate, bear, endure, sustain.
aeternus eternus : eternal, everlasting, without end.
ebullio : to boil up, bubble up, to appear, produce in abundance.
pretereo : to go by, pass by, escape.
immunda : unclean, impure, dirty, foul.
prenda : booty, loot, stolen goods.
exemplum : pattern, model, example .
adiuvo : to help, aid, assist.
quod : (with time) since, as far as, to the extent that.
fortasse : perhaps.
lama : bog, slough.
defleo : to weep for, bewail.
praetorgredior pretergredior : to pass beyond, go beyond.
cura : management, administration, care, concern, charge.
comprehendo : to grasp, take together, unite / comprehend.
macies : thiness, gauntness / poverty barrenness
aestus estus : heat, tide.
infula : insignia of office.
aequitas equitas : justice, fairness, equity.
queror : to complain, lament, bewail (dogs) whine, whimper.
curiositas : curiosity, inquisitiveness, nosiness.
toties, totiens : so many times, so often.
socius : partner, comrade, associate, ally, fellow.
totidem : just as many.
prompte : promptly, resolutely, readily.
rus ruris : the country, countryside, rural area.
profundo frofui profusum : to pour forth, gush, stream.
secundum : (adv.) after, behind.
qui : (masc. neut. nom.) (the prince) WHO loved a milkmaid
ambulo : to walk.
inscribo : inscribe, entitle, enlist.
speciosus : beautiful, handsome, imposing / specious plausible.
parilis : similar, like, equal.
absque : (+ abl.) without.
repente : suddenly, unexpectedly.
inicio inieci iniectum : to throw on, put on, don / inspire.
tempero : (+abl. or with ab) to keep from, refrain from.
plurimus : most, very many.
somnium : dream, fancy, day-dream / foolishness, nonsense.
infinitas infinitio : eternity, infinity, endlessness.
instituo : to establish, found, institute.
infinitus : unlimited, infinite, without bounds, boundless, limitless.
fugo : to put to flight, chase away, drive into exile, pursue.
testis : one who gives evidence, witness, spectator / testicle.
elemosina : alms
retineo : to hold back, restrain, detain, keep, maintain.
iungo iunxi iunctum : to join
talio, -onis : retribution.
contemplor : to mark out, regard, consider carefully, survey.
summisse : humbly, softly, calmly, modestly.
cursim : hastily, quickly, rapidly.
leviter : lightly, softly, slightly.
intellego intellexi intellectum : to understand, comprehend, see.
servus : slave, serf.
mereo, mereor : deserve, earn, be entitled to, merit.
perverto perverti perversum : to turn upside down, overturn, overthrow.
temperantia : moderation, self-control, temperance.
corrumpo : (documents) to falsify / (character) to corrupt.
etenim : for indeed.
dudum : for a long while, a long while ago, some time age.
transeo : to go over, pass over, cross over, go past.
sepulchrum : grave, tomb, sepulcher.
redundo : to overflow, stream over, overflow, excess, flood.
assentator : flatterer, sycophant, yes-man.
dolor : pain, grief. misery, pain, suffering.
apparatus : equipment, gear, machinery / splendor, magnificence.
multo : by much, by far, by a great deal, by a lot.
carbo carbonis : carbon, coal, charcoal.
enim : for, in fact, truly (may often be omitted)
resumo (resumpsi, resumptum) : to renew, repeat, resume.
propter : (+ acc.) near, close, on account of, because of.
divinus : divine, sacred.
exordium : the beginning (especially of a speech).
prohibitio : prohibition, restrain, forbidding.
huic : (neut sing. dat.) I'd give my right arm FOR THIS (cooky).
hoc : (neut. sing. abl.) Do not hesitate BECAUSE OF THIS! (doubt)
cubitum ire : to go to bed, retire
schola : school / elite troop of soldiers.
perdo : to destroy, ruin, waste, scatter, squander.
vultus : expression of the face, countenance, look, aspect.
glacialis : icy, frozen, full of ice.
olim : at that time, formerly, once, for a long time now.
praetermissio pretermissio : neglect, passing over, omission.
tenus : prep. With abl. as far as, up to, to, down to.
parum minus minime : (adv.) little, too little, not enough.
pia pium : honest, godly, holy, pious, dutiful, patriotic.
umbra : shade, shadow.
expedio : to free from a snare, disentangle, set free, ready.
molestus : troublesome, disagreeable, annoying.
res publica : commonwealth, state, republic, public business.
contages : a touch, contact.
importo : to bring in, introduce, import / bring upon, cause.
contemptio : scorn, disdain, contempt.
indebitus : not owed, not due.
victoria : victory.
ancilla : maidservant, also used by nuns to describe themselves.
proprius : one's own, permanent, special, peculiar.
gravo : to oppress, burden, make suffer.
mox : soon, presently, then, thereupon.
consilio : intentionally, on purpose, designedly.
huius : (neut. sing. gen.) She paid half OF THIS (the cost).
fuga : flight, escape,
tamisium : sieve, sifter (Herimann, p. 308).
facundia : facultas : feasibility, opportunity, resources, abundance.
prius : before, formerly.
tutis : protected, safe, secure.
surculus : shoot, sprout.
ita : so, thus.
superna : northeast by north wind.
infelix : arbor infelix : the gallows.
illius : (fem. sing. gen.) They are fond OF THAT (change).
damnatio : condemnation.
averto : to turn away, avert, avoid. turn back.
cibus : food for men and animals.
tandem : adv. at last, finally.
plus : more.
ludio ludius : actor, player
expeto : to demand, require / desire, strive after, make for.
abeo : to digress / change / vanish, disappear.
tergeo tergo tersi tersum : to wipe, scour, clean
niteo : to shine, glitter, be bright, glow, be sleek, flourish.
effringo effrego : break, break open.
saltem : at least, at all events.
promptu : in promptu ponere : to make clear, reveal, disclose.
carmen : song, poem.
ergo : (gen. +) on account of, because of.
improviso : unexpected
promeritum : desserts, merit, credit.promissio : a promise.
ostium : entrance, door.
remaneo : to remain behind, stay, continue.
nobis : (dat.) us / the world belongs to US.
lente : slowly, calmly, cooly, deliberately.
simul : at once, at the same time, together.
delicate : (adv.) luxuriously.
attero : to weaken, ruin, rub against, rub away, erode.
miro : to wonder.
primum : at first, for the first time, in the first place.
crur, cruris : leg, shank, shin, also foot.
tum : at that time, then / thereupon, in the next place.
promitto : to let go forward, send forth, promise, undertake.
exoro : to prevail upon a person, entreat successfully.
aegretudo egretudo : sickness, mental illness.
audio : to hear, hearken, listen to.
lues : plague, pestilence, calamity.
compater : the godfather of a man's child.
studiose : eagerly.
nisi : if not, unless, except.
missa : holy mass
nos : us / they tried to tell US we're too young.
mille : a thousand.
insideo : sit upon something, be firmly placed.
contendo : to contend, strive, struggle, hasten.
praesentia presencia : power, effect.
genus : kind, sort, class, category.
tutamen tutaminis : defense, protection
perfero : to bear, suffer, endure.
substantia : substance, essence, means of subsistence, property.
domina domina : lady, mistress.
subsequor : to follow after
edoceo : to inform fully, instruct thoroughly.
elemosinarius : almoner, person in charge of providing charity.
oro : to speak, argue, plead, orate, beg, entreat.
voluntas : last will, testament / meaning, sense.
somnio : to dream / (+ acc.) to dream of, imagine foolishly.
pulpa : flesh.
servio : (+ dat.) to be a slave to, serve.
placide : quitely, gently.
usque : all the way, up (to), even (to).
excellentia : excellence, merit, worth.
Courtacum : Courtrai.
adfero affero : to cause, bring about, contribute.
polleo : to be strong, powerful, able.
pauci : few, a few, some.
Trellum : Tre Blon, castle in Hannonia.
postea : afterwards.
transfero transtuli translatum : carry across, transfer, convey.
uberrime : most luxuriantly, most abundantly, most fruitfully.
tabellae : letter, document.
Avesniis : Avesnes.
certus : settled, resolved, decided / definite, certain, sure.
sileo : to be still, silent / (+ acc.) be silent about / rest.
Nivellensem : Nivelles, city and monastery.
puella : girl.
torqueo : to twist, curl, rack, torture, torment, distort, test.
lenitas lenitudo : smoothness, gentleness, mildness.
ingenium : innate character, talent, nature.
quotiens : often.
procurator : manager, bailiff, agent.
infidelitas : faithlessness, disloyalty.
seorsum : apart, separately.
hostes hostium : the enemy.
clamor : loud shouting, cry.
piger pigra pigrum : lazy, slow, dull.
prolusio : preliminary exercise, prelude.
aliquotiens : some times.
angustus : narrow, limited, strait, tight, constricted.
contagio contagium : contagion, infection / touching, contact.
voluntas : wish, will, inclination / good will.
pertinaciter : stubbornly, obstinately.
delibero : to consider, deliberate.
deus : god.
vindico : to avenge, punish, liberate, deliver, protect.
paupertas : beggardry, poverty, humble circumstances.
necesse : (adj.) necessary, unavoidable, indispensable.
liber : child, offspring.
furs : thief.
tam : to such a degree, so, so far.
decerto : to contend, fight to the finish.
gigno (genuit) : to bring forth, bear, beget, father.
praesidium presidium : guard, garrison, detachment / protection.
virgo : maiden, virgin, young girl.
iter itineris : road, route, journey.
tardus : slow, late, tardy.
hinc : from this place, hence.
pauper : poor, with few means, poverty-stricken.
palam : openly, publicly, (+abl.) in the presence of.
spiritus : breath, breathing / life / spirit.
voluptuosus : delightful, pleasurable.
obstinatus : firm, resolved, staunch.
salveo : to be well, be in good health.
procedo : to go ahead, proceed, advance, continue.
uredo : a plant blight.
purgamentum : rubbish, trash, filth, sweepings.
promptus : ready at hand, visible, apparent.
frequentatio : frequency, crowding.
dextera : the right hand.
Insula : island.
mutatio : change, alteration, transformation.
creber : thick, frequent, numerous.
hae he : (fem. pl. nom) THESE (speeches) were very fine.
triduum : a period of three days.
alter altera alterum : the second, the other one.
iumentum : beast of burden.
ignarus : ignorant, not knowing.
immotus : unmoved.
iussu : (abl.) at the command of, by order of.
gratulor : to wish a person joy, congratulate (+dat.),give thanks
pala : spade, peel for putting bread in the oven.
simulatio : pretense,
causa : case at law, case, law-suit / situation, condition.
consuasor : advisor, counselor.
ingemuo = dat. : to groan, sigh over.
puerilis : childish, boyish, foolish.
propono : display, publish, relate, tell, propose, promise.
sordesco : to become dirty.
quadrum : a square
concipio : to take or lay hold of, receive, take in.
jugis : adj. continual, ceaseless, perennial, constant.
periclitor : to test make a trial, put in peril, endanger.
iudex : judge, juror.
virga : a green twig, rod, stick, wand, broom, streak, stripe.
dispono : to arrange, put in order, draw up (troops).
prehendo : to seize, snatch, grasp, detain, arrest.
aetas : an age, stage, period of life, time, era.
laganum : a cake.
qua : (adv.) by which route, where.
excrucio : to torment, torture, cause great pain.
expilatio : plundering, taking booty.
contactus : touching, contact / contagion.
quas : (fem. pl. acc.) the fates, against whom he struggled
ludus : game, sport, school.
amiculum : cloak, cape.
destituo : to set down, place / abandon, leave in the lurch.
pudicus : modest. chaste.
cohaero cohero cohesi cohesum : to adhere, stick together
vultus : the face.
lucrum : gain, profit.
pullus : young animal / chicken, chick.
opera : work, pains, labor.
vinculum : bond, fetter, tie.
poema poematis : poem, verse, rhyme.
adflicto affligo : to injure, weaken, discourage, damage, break.
illo : (neut. sing. abl.) Do not hesitate BECAUSE OF THAT! (doubt)
promitto : to let go, send forth, undertake, promise.
sumptus : expense, cost.
ceterum : (adv.) otherwise, moreover, but.
decet : it is seemly, comely, suitable, proper.
invado : to undertake, go in, enter, get in.
promptu : in promptu habere : to have read, display, have on show.
novitas : newness, novelty, strangeness.
probo : to show, prove, demonstrate, approve, find good, judge.
canto : to sing.
ratio : system, manner, method, procedure, manner.
rusticus : rustic, rural / peasant.
mugio : to groan, bellow, roar, low.
caecus : blind, sightless.
oppono opposui oppositum : to set against, oppose, be opposite.
Alos : alquod: some.
deleo : (deletum ) to destroy, wipe out, erase.
potissimus : best of all, chief, principal.
nosco : to become acquainted with, get to know.
minimus : least, smallest, slightest.
revoco : to call back, recover, refer, revoke.
triduanus : three days' duration, lasting three days.
audax : bold
spero : to hope for, hope.
rotundus : wheel-shaped, round.
erogo : to pay out, expend, disburse.
surgo surrexi surrectum : to get up arise.
quartus : fourth.
via : road, way, street.
pactus : agreed-upon, stipulated, betrothed.
infelicitas : bad luck, misfortune,
rogo eum ut +subjunctive : to ask someone to do something.
despiciens : contemptuous.
hereditas : inheritance, often simply "property."
indutiae : truce, armistice, suspension of hostilities.
expletio : satisfying.
mussito : to grumble, mutter.
supplanto : to trip up.
valeo valui valiturus : to be strong, have power, be well.
angulus : corner, niche.
terga dare : to flee, retreat, run away.
consummatio : completion, summing up, adding up.
sanus : sound, healthy, sane.
eloquentia : eloquence, readiness of speech, fluency, persuasiveness.
orbis terrarum : the world, the Earth.
aegrotatio egrotatio : sickness, illness.
qualitas : quality, property.
digredior digredi digressus : to depart, deviate, digress.
armarium : cupboard, chest, safe (for food, clothing, money).
corroboro : to strengthen.
discipulus : disciple, student, learner, pupil.
proloquor : to speak out, declare openly.
radicitus : by the roots, utterly.
concido : to fall down, sink, perish / (wind) subside.
nunquam : never.
prae se ferre / pre se ferre : to show, exhibit, on account of.
stella : star.
remando : to send back word.
misereo, misereor : to pity.
agnitio : recognition, knowledge.
illuc : thither, to that place, to that matter, to that person.
proventus : a growing up, increase, crop, yield, or issue.
edo edi essum : to eat, consume, devour, waste.
alius alia aliud : other, another, someone else, something else.
proficio : advance, assist, help, aid, be of use.
bestia : animal, beast.
illata : from infero : to cause, occasion, etc.
vir : man, hero, man of courage.
vester vestra vestrum : (pl.) your, yours.
Hoienses : Huy, Belgium, between Liege and Namur.
effundo : to pour out, pour forth, shed, utter.
vaco : to be free from work, of a master, of property.
infecundus : barren, sterile.
perduco : to lead through, conduct, carry through.
qui quae que quod : which, what, that.
celeritas : speed, swiftness, rapidity, quickness.
vestio vestivi vestitum : to clothe.
ager (agri) : farm, field, acre.
Cameracum : Cambrai.
perfusus : steeped, soaked, drenched.
vito : to avoid, shun.
spectaculum : spectacle, show.
degero : to pass time, live.
pertimesco : to become very much afraid.
mos moris : will, inclination / custom, wont, usage, rule.
corona : crown, diadem.
contamino : to pollute, infect.
introduco : to lead in, introduce.
infamo : to put to shame, disgrace.
morior : to die, wither away, decay.
vindico (vindicatum) : claim, arrogate, assume, appropriate.
agnosco : acknowledge.
sine : (+ abl.) without.
dies diei : day
plerumque : for the most part, generally, commonly, mostly.
sanctus : holy, sacred, / saint.
furtim : by stealth, stealthily.
infletus : unwept, unmourned, unlamented.
conspicio : to catch sight of, perceive, behold, understand.
factum : deed, accomplishment, work, act, achievement.
quantum : (+ gen.) as much of ... as.
brevis : short, small, brief.
cuius : (fem. sing. gen.) (the queen), the vices OF WHOM were many.
uterque : (gen. utriusque) both, each side, each party.
tribuo : to give out, divide, allot, assign, grant, give, allow.
duco : to lead on the march, marry a wife, command.
oportet : it is proper, one should, one ought.
saepius sepius : often, frequently, repeatedly.
macero : to soften, weaken, reduce, torment.
facio : to sacrifice, suit, help, be of service.
deprehensio : detection.
instigo : to goad, incite, stimulate, urge.
circumvenio : to come around, surround, cheat, defraud.
Vernandense : Vermandois.
multus : ne multus : briefly, in brief.
arceo : to shut up, enclose.
redeo : to fall back upon, be reduced to, be brought to.
plango planxi plactum : to strike, beat / bewail, mourn.
peto : to ask for, beg, request, demand / to sue for.
Gemblacensis : Gembloux.
prosequor (prosecutus) : to attack, go with, pursue, attend.
primum : quam primum : as soon as possible.
aureus : golden.
tubineus : cone shaped
illudo illusi illusum : to mock, make fun of, ridicule
propello : to drive before one, drive away.
Castellandum : Chateaudun.
intentus : thorough, tense, anxious, strict.
peior : worse (see malus).
humanus : pertaining to man, humane, humane, cultured, refined.
abundantia : abundance, bounty, plenty
obliquo : to turn sideways, turn aside.
diuturnus : lasting a long time, of long duration.
scelero : to pollute with guilt, with blood, etc.
denuntio : to announce officially, pronounce, declare.
antea : (adv.) before, previously, formerly.
video vidi visum : to see, observe, understand, comprehend.
frequento : to crowd, collect in large number, visit.
erga : (+ acc.) toward, about.
liquidus : fluid, flowing, liquid / clear, evident, certain.
vel : or, (adv.) even, actually, for example.
teneo : to keep on, persist, persevere, endure.
cui : (neut. sing. dat.) (the monster), TO WHOM the cattle belonged.
quidam quaedam quedam quidam : a certain person or thing, / kind of.
fenestra : window.
personam gero : to act a part.
constanter : steadily, firmly.
cupiditas : ambition, avarice, party spirit, eager desire.
pulso : to strike (the hours)
dictata : things dictated, lessons, presents.
proelium : battle.
medicus : doctor, physician.
impudens : impudent, shameless, insolent, presumptuous.
laetans : rejoicing, joyous.
parens parentis : parent.
industrius : industrious, diligent, assiduous, hard-working.
lucerna : lamp.
neco : to kill, slay, put to death.
dulcedo : sweetness, pleasantness, charm.
tamdiu : for such a long time.
frugalitas : frugality, economy, pinching pennies.
tero trivi tritum : to rub, wear out.
tersus : clean, neat, correct.
extollo : to lift up, raise up, erect / elevate, exalt.
exstinguo, exstingui, exstinctum : to extinguish, put out.
quod : (neut. sing. nom.) (the war), WHICH killed so many.
emptio : a buying, a purchase.
stultus : foolish / a fool.
inexpugnabilis : impregnable, unconquerable, not to be taken by force.
possum posse potum : to be able, avail, have influence.
pertorqueo : to twist, distort.
infero : (abstract things) : bring on, occasion, cause.
quod : because, whereas, the point that, the fact that.
ignoro : to be ignorant of, not know / rarely: neglect, overlook.
cohibeo : confine, restrain, hold back, repress.
grassor : go about, go ahead, proceed, attack.
incola, ae : resident, inhabitant of a place.
regnum : rule, authority, kingdom, realm.
quandoquidem : since, because.
episcopus : bishop
adhuc : till then, till now, still, even now, besides, also, yet.
saluto : to wish well, greet, visit, reverence, pay respect to.
his : (neut. pl. dat.) Listen TO THESE (orders).
sentio : to judge, suppose, vote.
mitigo : to make mild or ripe, make smooth, pacify, appease.
domus : house, home, residence.
celeriter : rapidly, quickly, swiftly, speedily.
merces mercedis : pay, reward, recompense, compensation.
plagiarius : kid-napper, plagiarist
vesper : evening star, evening.
donum : gift, present, donation.
preastolatio prestolatio : the waiting for, expectation.
his : (fem. pl. abl) A life is enriched BY THESE (friendships).
vehemens : violent, furious, impetuous.
ustilo : to burn (Herimannn, p. 308).
deprimo (depressus) : to press down, depress, low-lying.
opportunitas : fitness, suitability, convenience, advantage.
mellitus : honeyed, sweet as honey.
denique : at last, finally, again, in short.
plures : more numerous, several, many.
iudicium : judgment, decision, opinion, trial
formica : ant.
falsus : false, deceptive.
congruus : agreeing, fit, suitable.
subnecto : to bind on beneath, to tie.
promoveo promovi promotum : push forward, move ahead, advance.
lenis : smooth / gentle, kind, mild.
eluo : to wash out, rinse cleanse / squander, waste.
exercitus : army.
misere : wretchedly, miserably.
nequam : worthless, good for nothing, bad.
populus : people, the people, nation, crowd, multitude, host.
somniculosus : sleepy, drowsy
potissimum : (adv.) chiefly, most of all.
luna : moon.
gusto : to taste.
prae pre : (prep. with abl.) before,
scilicet : evidently, certainly, of course, no doubt, assuredly.
Carnutum Carnotum : Chartres.
defetiscor (defessus) : to grow tired, weary.,
sollicitudo : concern, anxiety, solicitude, worry.
simplex : simple, unaffected.
revolvo : to unroll a book, go over again, repeat.
Ambianis : Amiens.
dives : rich, opulent, wealthy.
adnuo : to nod assent.
sequax : following, attending, pursuing.
salvus : safe, sound.
delego : to transfer, commit, assign, impute, attribute, ascribe.
coerceo : surround, enclose, restrain, confine.
patruus : paternal uncle.
disputo : discuss.
quae que : (fem. sing. nom.) (the milkmaid), WHO loved a prince.
plusculus : somewhat more, rather more.
scio scivi scitum : to know.
erepo : to creep out, creep over, creep up.
frustra : in vain, mistakenly, wantonly, without reason.
iuro : to swear, to make an oath.
sodalitas : fellowship, companionship, secret society.
pervideo pervidi pervisum : to look over, survey, inspect, discern.
nusquam : nowhere, in no place, nothing, for nothing, never.
didicerat : (?) Herimann, p. 281.
inferne : on the lower side, below.
capitulus : chapter, chapter meeting, chapter house.
teneo : to hold, keep, possess, maintain.
illa : (neut. pl. nom.) THOSE (arms) belong to the victor.
consulto : to consider carefully, weigh, ponder.
feritas : wildness, savageness.
suppellex suppellectilus : household articles, furniture, goods.
lethargus : drowsiness, apathy, sleepiness, coma.
frango (fracta) : to break in pieces, shatter.
iudico : to judge, consider
amplus : large, spacious, ample / great important, honorable.
terminatio : termination, determination, setting of boundaries.
gestum (gero) : carriage, bearing / having borne.
Brocherota : Broqueroi.
signum : sign, seal, indication, sign.
dirunitas : long duration.
territo : to scare, frighten, intimidate.
gemo : to sigh, groan, wail.
custodiae custodie : guards, wardens.
tondeo totondi tonsum : shave, shear, clip, mow, reap, browse.
sed : but / and indeed, what is more.
pollicitus : promised, a promise.
atrox : terrible, cruel, horror.
duco : to lead, draw, esteem, consider.
carcer : prison, cell, jail, dungeon.
demergo : to sink, plunge into, dip under, go into debt.
hac : (fem. sing. abl.) He who lives BY THIS (the sword), ...
volens : willing, favorable.
quantocius quantotius : as quickly as possible.
civitas : state, citizenship, city-state.
ignis : fire.
illic : there, at that place, therein, in that matter.
moneo : to warn, admonish, remind, advise, instruct.
sanctimonialis : nun.
utilitas : utility, usefulness.
pictoratus : painted / of cloth, embroidered.
quare : wherefore, why, because of which thing.
provideo : to foresee, provide, make provision for.
orior oriri ortus : rise, become visible, appear.
accommodo : to adjust, adapt, accommodate oneself.
comitto : to entrust, commit.
Atrebatum : Arras.
hi : (masc. pl. nom.) THESE (men) are loyal to the king.
rubor : redness, blush, modesty, shame, disgrace.
differtus : stuffed full, crammed, jammed.
pignus : pawn, pledge, token, (in pl.) persons in pledges of
inflexio : a bendings, swaying.
dimidium : half.
pervalidus : very strong.
crux crucis : cross.
devotio : (Christian) piety, devotion, zeal.
ille : (masc. nom. sing.) THAT (house) is filthy.
illis : (masc. pl. dat.) Tell it TO THOSE (Marines).
prior prius : former, prior.
iuxta : close by, near / in like manner, equally.
ita ut : (with subj.) in such a way that,
nonnullus : some / pl. several.
quin : but come now, rather, indeed,
piscis piscis : fish.
incassum : in vain.
eques equitis : horseman, cavalry man rider (classical).
paulatim : gradually, little by little.
artificiose : skillfully.
infitior : to deny / deny a debt, refuse to return something.
serius : serious, grave, solemn.
theologus : theologian.
metuo : to fear, dread, be frightened.
varius : various, varied.
appositus : placed near, approaching, appropriate, appositively.
paro : to prepare, get ready / set, put / furnish, supply / buy.
regina : queen.
excusatio : excuse.
triumphus : triumphal procession, triumph.
cogo, coegi, coactum : to compel, restrict, confine.
mitto misi missum : to send, dispatch.
laesio lesio : rhetorical attack / wounding.
tantummodo : only just, just so long as.
umerus humerus : shoulder, upper arm.
reverto : to go back, return, revert.
ter : three times, thrice.
innuo : to give a nod to, give a sign to.
furibundus : raging, furious / inspired.
dens : (dentis ) : tooth.
diabolus : devil, Satan.
idem eadem idem : the same.
exsilium : exile, banishment.
Affligeniensis, Haffligeniensis : Afflighem.
mendosus : faulty, full of faults.
benevolentia : benevolence, kindness, good will.
velut : adv. just as, like, even as.
suffragium : vote, franchise / approval support, aid, assistance.
deinde : next, then, thereafter, from that place.
arcus : bow (BOW and arrows), arch, bend, arc.
consitor : sower, planter.
fructuarius : fruitful, fertile.
gestum (gero) : carrying about, conduct (oneself).
plector : to be punished.
pando : to stretch out, spread out, extent.
is ea id : this, that / he, she, it.
proicio : to throw forth, fling, abandon.
vobis : (abl.) you / who knows more than YOU? I do!
singuli : one each, one apiece, single, separate.
adeo : to such a point, such an extent, so far, so long.
poposco : see posco : Herimann, cap. 28, 69.
paciscor : to make an agreement, covenant, pact.
cavus : hole, pit.
ex : (= e ) : (prep. + abl.) out of, from within, from / on account of.
mei : my, mine / MY heart belongs to daddy. that old gang of MINE.
familiaris : belonging to a household / friendly, intimate.
eo ire itum : to go, advance, proceed, travel, move along, progress.
catervatim : in troops, in masses.
rememdium : cure, remedy, nostrum, medicine.
millies milies : a thousand times.
nutrimentus : nourishment.
ater atra atrum : dark.
sordes : filth, meanness, stinginess.
sino : allow, suffer, permit, let.
spoliatio : plundering, looting, stripping, robbing.
iugis iuge : perpetual, continuous.
charisma carisma : gift, present.
nitor : to strive, exert oneself, make an effort, persevere.
paratus : prepared, ready, provided, equipped.
vos : (acc.) you / I'll fight YOU all, then ... bring me giants!
rapio rapui ratum : to seize, snatch, carry away.
appono : to place near, put to, serve, put on the table.
barba : beard, whiskers.
sui : himself, herself, itself.
ciminosus : reproachful, slanderous.
pica : jay, magpie.
beatus : blessed, fortunate, sometimes "saint".
induco : cover, put on clothing, erase writing, revoke, annul.
administratio : giving of help, administration, government.
regula : rule / monastic rule.
praeterea preterea : besides, further, hereafter.
clibanus : oven, furnace / tray for bread making.
tyrannus : tyrant, absolute ruler.
mihi : (dat.) me / give ME land, lots of land.
abduco : to lead, or take away / detach, withdraw.
contineo : to keep in, surround, contain, confine, include.
illis : (fem. pl. abl) A life is enriched BY THESE (friendships).
abbatia : abbey, monastery.
confido : have confidence in, be confident of, rely upon.
loricatus : wearing armor, armored.
tam ... quam : as ... as possible.
quoniam : since, whereas, because.
bis : twice.
supra : (+ acc.) above.
sitis : thirst, dryness, drought, eager desire.
templum : sacred precinct, temple, sometimes church.
immo : by all means, by no means, on the contrary.
proprie : exclusively, particularly, peculiarly. properly.
iniuria : injury, damage, hurt / injustice, wrong.
Siclinium : Seclin in Melanchois.
umquam : ever, at any time.
improvidus : improvident, negligent, thoughtless, feckless.
profor profari profatus : to speak out.
notarius : stenographer (class.), notary, legal scribe.
importunus : unsuitable, unfavorable, troublesome / inconsiderate.
conscientia : conscience, consciousness, knowledge
atrocitas : hashness, cruelty, frightfulness, barbarity, horror.
maiores : (pl.) ancestors.
scisco : investigate, ask, inquire / vote, ordain, resolve.
pactum : treaty, pact, contract.
cupressus : cypress, cypress wood, a cypress-wood casket.
coniuro : to take an oath together, plot, conspire.
inflecto : to warp / change, sway, affect.
redeo : to go back, come back, return / (revenue) to come in.
nichilominus : nevertheless.
probitas : probity, uprightness, honesty.
inventor : inventor, discoverer.
Werumensium : Wittewierum.
inedicabilis : unexplainable, inexplicable.
paratus : prepared, ready, equipped; (of persons) skilled.
opportune : (adv) opportunely, conveniently.
inquam : I say.
levitas : lightness, levity / fickleness, inconstancy / groundlessness.
maero : to grieve, sorrow.
exsto : to stand out, be extant, appear, project, show itself.
confero : discuss, debate, confer / betake oneself, devote.
demonstro : to indicate, show, describe, explain.
pergo : to continue, proceed, go on with.
quot : how many, as many (indecl.).
praebeo prebeo : (+ refl.) to show oneself, present oneself.
Namucense : Namur.
impensa : expense, outlay.
inde : thence, from there, for that reason, thereafter, then.
delinquo : to fail, be wanting / fail in duty, commit a crime.
poeta : (masc.) poet.
adficio : to affect, afflict, weaken, sap, exhaust, drain.
aut ... aut : either ... or.
dormio : to sleep, slumber, siesta, nap.
propinquo : (intrans) to come near, draw near, approach.
caritas : dearness, affection / charity.
coniuratio : conspiracy, plot.
multus : much, great
letifer : deadly, mortal.
dolens : painfully.
pulex : the flea.
posthabeo : [posthabito] : to put after, consider of less account.
sono : to make a noise / sing / celebrate / (of words) to mean.
cupio : to desire, wish, long for, desire.
permoveo : to excite, agitate, stir up, move.
vesco, vescor : to feed, to eat.
cultura : cultivation
quidem : indeed, certainly, at least / ne ... quidem : not ... even.
pugna : fight, battle, conflict, set-to.
infector : dyer.
pestis pestis : plague, epidemic, pestilence / destruction, curse.
cariosus : rotten, decayed.
pons pontis : bridge.
exheres : disinherited.
pugnaculum : fortress.
collum : neck.
puga pyga : buttocks.
feteo : to have a bad odor, stink.
volutabrum : pigsty, slough.
cibo : food for animals
necne : or not.
lacrima : tears / exudations from some plants.
consisto : to take one's stand, stand still, stop, be posted.
ventito : to come often, to visit frequently.
colloco : to place, put, arrange.
coloro : to color.
includo : to shut in, enclose, establish a siege, surround.
putator : pruner.
Andegavense : Anjou.
voluptarius : pleasant, one devoted to pleasure.
lamentatio : weeping, wailing, lamenting.
fateor : to confess, admit, allow, reveal, make known.
proficio : to make progress, advance.
patior : to suffer, endure, permit.
cerno : to separate, sift, distinguish / decide, resolve, determine.
prope : near, nearly, not far from, just now, closely.
imperceptus : unperceived / unknown,
sufficio : to be sufficient, suffice, be enough.
repo repsi reptum : to creep, crawl.
pumilius pumilio : a dwarf.
custodia : protection, custody.
auditor : hearer, listener.
adamo : to fall in love with, find pleasure in.
praenuntius prenuncius : foretelling, harbinger, omen, token.
hunc : (masc. sing. acc.) He ate THIS (fruit).
comperio : to disclose fully, find out with certainty.
deludo : to mock, cheat.
debeo : to owe, to be morally bound to, to be bound by.
pallium : coverlet, mantle, cloak.
acies : keenness, edge, sharpness, battle-line, battlefield.
aliquot : some, several.
gratus : pleasing, agreeable / grateful.
puter : rotten, decayed, putrid / loose, crumbling / flabby.
quamdiu : such a long time.
quattuor : four (indecl.)
sabbatum : sabbath.
obduro : to be hard, persist, endure, last, hold out.
praefinio prefinio : to appoint ahead of time
alter ... alter : the one ... the other.
imitor : to imitate.
atavus : great-great-great grandfather, ancestor.
defluo : to flow down, waste, disappear.
lacero : to tear to pieces, mangle / squander money / slander someone.
laedo ledo : strike, hit, hurt, damage, offend, annoy, violate.
impello impuli impulsum : to set in mortion, impel, urge on.
agnosco : to know again, recognize, report, understand, admit.
compes, compedis : fetters, shackles, chained.
seductor : seducer.
summissus (from summitto) : let down, lowered, gentle, mild.
perscitus : very clever, exceedingly sharp.
fortiter : strongly, bravely.
compleo : to finish.
potius : rather, preferably
picea : the spruce tree
delectatio : delight, pleasure, enjoyment.
crepusculum : dusk, twilight.
supellex supellectilis : furniture, apparatus, gear.
legatus : deputy, ambassador, envoy,
conqueror : to complain loudly.
pugnax : fond of fighting, combative, stubborn, contentious.
precipue : chiefly, especially, particularly.
curto : to shorten, abbreviate.
puppis : stern of a ship, the poop.
subitus : sudden, unexpected.
admoneo : admonish, advise.
lacertus : the upper arm / strength.
oculus : eye.
novus : novel, unusual, extraordinary / news, novelty, a new thing
vindico : to liberate, deliver / punish, avenge / claim, assume.
cubo : to lie down, recline.
nemo : no one, nobody.
exsequor : to maintain, keep up, carry out, fulfill, accomplish.
gravis : heavy, weighty, serious, important / severe, grievous.
turpe : a disgrace.
pronuntio : to proclaim, announce, declaim.
decoro : beautify, embellish, adorn.
excedo : (trans.) to exceed, leave, pass beyond.
incido in mentionem : to happen to mention.
lacerta : lizard.
ineptio : to play the fool, to trifle.
memor : mindful, remembering, grateful, thoughful, prudent.
cognomen : surname, family name, nick-name.
doctrina : doctrine, teaching, instruction, learning.
libere : freely, openly, frankly.
impedimentum : hindrance, impediment, obstacle, difficulty.
secuutus : follower, pursuer.
quibus : (masc. pl. abl.) his sons, BY WHOM he was attacked when old
contemptus : despised, despicable, contemptible.
nuntio : to announce, report, relate.
offensio : striking, knocking, hitting against, blow.
consido : to set down, settle.
insolitus : unaccustomed / unusual, strange, uncommon.
plura : more numerous, several, many.
fore, forem : future infinitive of sum.
studium : eagerness, zeal.
laevus levus : foolish, silly / unlucky, unpropitious.
puer : boy.
reprehendo : to blame, reprove, refute, hold back, check, catch.
proveho : to carry on, carry forward, advance, promote,
lactans : giving milk.
doceo docui doctum : to instruct, teach, tutor.
occursus : meeting, falling in, running into each other.
cui : (fem. sing. dat.) IN WHICH (province) did you live?
sese : =se : himself, herself, itself.
detrimentum : damage, loss, detriment.
per : (+ acc.) (of time) throughout, during, in the course of.
propero : to hasten, speed, move rapidly, come quickly.
rhetoricus : rhetorical.
canonicus : canonical, according to the canons, legal, lawful, right.
concito : to move violently, stir up, excite.
putesco : to putrefy, day, rot.
perturpis : very disgraceful.
paciscor : to make a bargain or agreement, covenant, deal.
postulo : to ask.
gens : clan, race, nation, people, tribe.
universe : generally, in general.
ostendo : show, reveal, present, make plain, declare.
vulnero : to wound, injure, hurt, harm.
Corbeiam : Corbie.
conversatio : way, manner of life / monastic life.
crastinus : of the morrow, the morrow.
rota : wheel.
atqui : (conj.) and yet, still.
pronepos proneptos : great-grandson
nobis : (abl.) us / there'll be no one as happy as US.
semel : a single time, for the first time, even once, once, ever.
ops : singular: power, power to aid, power to help.
nomine tenus : nominally, in name.
iucunditas : pleasure, charm.
legatarius : legatee.
contristo : to sadden, afflict, damage (of crops).
calamitas : calamity, misfortune, disaster.
cauda : the tail of an animal.
pulsus : beating, blow, push, impulse, influence.
recuperatio : recovery, recuperation.
caelestis : heavenly, celestial / noun, a god, dweller in heaven.
Malbodiensis : Maubeuge.
crinis : hair.
evito : to shun, avoid; also, to kill.
secundus : second.
Brabatensium : Brabant.
quia : because.
quantuslibet : as much as you will, as great as you will.
comedo comedi comesum : to eat up, consume / waste, squander.
siligo -inis : wheat, wheat flour.
infra inferius infimus : low down.
multum : much, greatly.
laetifico letifico : to fertilize / cheer, gladden, delight.
mirus : wonderful, astonishing, extraordinary.
fabula : fable, story, tale, play.
terminus : a boundary mark, limit, end, border.
rectum : virtue, right
bardus : stupid, slow, dull.
ut : (+ subj.) (command) to, that.
adstringo : to draw together, tighten, bind.
creo : to create, make.
extorqueo : to twist, wrench, dislocate / extort by force.
depraedor depredor : to plunder, lay waste, pillage, ravage.
recolo : to recall, reflect upon, rework, resume, rehabilitate.
credo : to believe / trust, commit / trust in, rely on / think.
despero : to have no hope, despair, give up.
niger : black.
sollers : clever, skillful.
occupo : to take possession, grasp, seize, enjoy, get a start on.
crudelis : cruel.
punio : to punish, avenge, gave vengeance.
venio veni ventum : to come.
mundo : to clean.
fidelis : faithful, loyal, true
manentia : permanency.
auctoritas : authority
sacculus : purse, little bag, little sack.
equitatus : cavalry, horsemen (classical).
filius : son
materia : material, substance, matter.
moleste fero : I take annoyance.
labor : hardship, fatigue, distress.
us : foreign, acquired.
pulvis : dust, powder / arena, scene of action.
aptus : fitted, connected, fastened / prepared, fitted out.
flax, falcis : sickle, bill-hook, pruning hook.
exuro, exussum : burn down, burn, set on fire.
tempero : to mix properly, temper, regulate, mitigate.
silentium : silence, stillness, quiet, repose, obscurity.
Berlinmonte : Berlaimont, near Le Quesnoy.
lemma : theme, title, epigram.
perlustro : to pass through, survey, look, examine.
litigo : to quarrel, dispute.
accendo : to kindle, illuminate, inflame.
contingo : (contactum) to touch closely, happen to, befall.
diluo : (of troubles) to remove, resolve.
clam : secretly, in secret.
cervus : stag, deer
minime : in the least degree, very little / not at all, by no means
infidus : untrue, disloyal.
venia : grace, indulgence, favor, pardon, forgiveness.
invicem : one after the other, by turns, mutually, each other.
exulto : to exult, be joyful.
cilicium : (? Herimann, p. 311)
frons : forehead, brow, front.
vigilo : to be awake, watch, be vigilant / to keep vigil.
mutuo : borrowed, lend,
quaero quero : to miss, want / seek to know / obtain, get.
insciens : unknowing, unaware, ignorant.
nihilum : nothing.
sedo : to settle, smooth, calm, allay.
meretrix meretricis : prostitute, whore, harlot.
ornatus : dress, attire, equipment, ornament, embellishment.
metus : fear, dread, anxiety.
illa : (fem. sing. abl.) He who lives BY THAT (the sword), ...
frumentum : grain.
antiquus : ancient, old, hoary,
doctus : taught, instructed, learned, tutored.
praevenio : get the start of.
faveo : (+ inf.) To be inclined to do.
forsit forsan forsitan : perhaps, probably.
inflexus : bending, curving.
molior : to build, erect, construct, contrive, toil, struggle.
centum : (indecl.) one hundred, 100.
ioco iocor : to joke, jest, make merry.
aufero : to carry away, remove / steal, carry off, make away with.
proditor : traitor, betrayer.
vereor : to respect, fear, be in dread of, to be afraid.
excludo : to shut out, exclude.
pestifere : destructively, injuriously.
eminus : at a distance, from a distance.
monstro : to show, appoint, point out, ordain.
exitiabilis exitialis exitosus : fatal deadly, destructive, lethal.
thema : subject, topic, theme.
invidia : envy, jealousy, hatred.
ligo : to bind, tie.
flamma : flame, fire.
servitus : servitude, slavery.
adsum : to assist, be present, be near, be in attendance,
maxime : especially, particularly, principally.
quantus : how great?, how great!, how much, as great as.
grando, onis : hailstorm.
lamenta (neut. pl) : weeping, wailing.
membrana : thin skin, film, parchment, membrane, prepared skin.
his : (fem. pl. dat.) She gave her property TO THESE (churches).
fulcio : to support, strengthen, uphold / to besiege, oppress.
lento : to bend.
adeptio : attainment, obtaining.
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
decerno : to decide, determine, settle.
animadverto : to turn the mind to, take notice of, see, perceive.
funis -is : rope, cord, line.
pupillus pupilla : orphan, ward.
enumero : to count, count up, enumerate.
praesto presto : to answer for, be responsible for.
pro : (+ abl.) in return for, instead of / for, as.
nutrimens : food, nourishment.
eligo : to pick out, select, choose.
adipiscor : to come up to, overtake, obtain.
quo : to which place, to what place, whither, where.
iniustus : unjust, inequitable, unfair.
facultas : power, means, opportunity, capacity, ability, stock.
placet : it is agreed, it is resolved, it seems good.
suadeo : to recommend, advise (a person)
supplex : kneeling, entreating, suppliant.
cometissa comitissa : countess.
latus -eris : sides, flank / lungs /
ait : he says.
coaegresco : to become sick at the same time.
somnus : sleep.
infero : (in logic) to infer, conclude.
liber libri : book.
despero : to be without hope, despair / despair of, give up.
praecox precox : ripe beforehand, premature.
prope : near, near to, not far, not long from now.
contra : (+ acc.) against.
bibo : to drink, quaff.
dignosco dignosco : to distinguish, recognize as different.
quibus : (neut. pl. abl.) the arms WITH WHICH he won Rome.
educo : to draw out, lead out, march out / bring up, rear / sue.
inclino : to bend, incline, turn, change / fall back, waver.
aliquis : someone, anyone, anything, (adv.) in any respect.
silenti etc : the dead.
sedeo sedi sessum : to sit.
emineo : to stand out, project, be remarkable, conspicuous.
usitas : customary, usual.
pulsus : beating, blow, push, influence.
illa : (neut. pl. acc.) Deborah always won THESE (wars).
Asvesniis : of Avesnes.
angelus : angel.
ver, veris : spring, the production of spring.
galea : helmet.
frux, frugi : fruits of the earth.
pungo pupugi punctum : to prick, puncture, stab / touch, move.
constringo constrixi constrictum : to bind, confine, restrain.
coruscus : (a) flashing, twinkling, shaking, trembling.
varietas : variety, differences, diversity.
progredior : to go forth, advance, proceed, go out.
comperte : on good authority.
diligo : to choose out, esteem highly, prize, love.
causa : (in the abl.) on account of, for the sake of.
lacunar : panelled ceiling.
blanditia : blandishments, attractions, allurement, charm.
contentus : strained, stretched / eager, zealous.
lectus : bed.
contentus : contented, satisfied
impedo : to entangle, ensnare, hinder, prevent, obstruct.
quadruplator : an exaggerator, informer
directus : plain, simple, direct, open, straightforward.
ficus : fig tree.
pomum : fruit, apple.
recuso : to refuse.
letaliter : mortally, fatally.
fatigo : worry, fatigue, vex, harass, tease.
diu : by day, for a long time, a long time ago.
quater : four times / again and again.
maculo : to stain, blemish, defile, pollute.
ulterius : farther, more advanced, more remote.
juvenis : young man, youth.
turbo : to disturb, upset, throw into disorder, confuse, unsettle.
exsertus exertus : project, thrust forward.
revertor reverti reversus : to return, come back.
quadrivium : crossroads, place where four roads meet.
indomitus : untamed, wild.
distinguo : to mark off, distinguish, divide / separate.
interrogatio : interrogation, inquiry.
appareo : to become visible, appear, manifest
pusillus : tiny, puny / petty, mean.
quassatio : a shaking.
adversus : (adj.) facing, opposite, opposing.
fatum : fate, destiny, doom, lot, weird.
proinde : consequently, therefore, as a result.
intendo : to extend, aim, direct, direct one's course, aim at.
informis : formless, shapeless / deformed, hideous.
praeceptum preceptum : precept.
publicus : of the people, public, open to all.
iugis, e : perpetual, continuous.
conduco : hire, employ for wages, among many other meanings.
adsuesco assuesco : to grow accustomed to, used to, make familiar.
Heniis Harniis : Hames.
tremo : to tremble, shake, shudder.
insolita : unaccustomed, unusual.
siccus : dry, thirsty / sober, temperate.
expono (exposui expositum ) : to set forth, explain, expose.
querimonia : complaint, a charge in court.
lubricus : oily, slippery, slick.
reluctor : to struggle against, resist.
astrum : star, constellation.
perfectus : complete, finished, done / perfect, without flaw.
terreo : to frighten, terrify, scare away, deter.
luctus : lamentation, mourning, grief.
repeto : to seek again, ask back.
facile : easily.
loquor locutus : to say, speak, tell.
horrendus : horrible, dreadful.
intereo : to perish, die.
praecido : to cut short, lop, mutilate.
liberatio : release, liberation, acquittal, setting free.
patiens : patient / (+ gen.) capable of enduring.
persolvo : to unloose, explain, expound / pay off a debt, pay.
inclutus / inclitus : celebrated, famous, renowned.
recognosco : to recognize, recollect, recall.
partim : partly / some.
nepos nepotis : grandson.
doleo : to suffer pain, to be pained, grieve.
comminuo : to scatter, weaken, damage.
stabilitas : firmness, stability, durability.
ago (egi actum ) : to spend time, live / manage, drive, lead.
qualislibet : of what sort you will.
succurro : to run up under / aid, assist, help.
orbis : circle, orb.
exorior : to rise, spring up, issue, appear, come forward.
pudor : modesty, bashfulness.
modicus : ordinary, undistinguished, within bounds.
pactum : agreement, contract, covenant, pact.
redemptor : redeemer (Christ).
liberaliter : courteously, generously, honorably.
decumbo : to fall, fall into, lie down.
proles : offspring, descendants, posterity, (plants : fruit).
ara : altar
inflatus : blowing into, blast, inspiration.
bos (bovis ) : cow, ox, bull.
contigo : (with dat.), to happen, befall.
ritus : usage, ceremony, rite.
supero : to be above, have the upper hand, surpass, conquer, overcome.
qua : (fem. sing. abl.) (the abbess) BY WHOM she was advised.
comminor : to threaten.
nequitia nequities : worthlessness, badness, wickedness.
permitto permissi permissum : to allow, permit, let.
expello (expuli expulsum ) : to drive out, expel, force out, banish.
punitor : punisher, avenger.
gero : to carry, bear, wear / bear, give birth to / to carry about.
nomen : name / nomen Romanorum: Roman power.
illi : (masc. sing. dat.) He sent FOR THAT (doctor).
lapsus : fall, fault, error, sliding, graduate movement.
copiose : fully, at length, copiously.
labellum : a little lip / a small washing vessel.
cognosco : to examine, inquire, learn.
postquam : (conj.) after.
pupula : pupil of the eye.
parco : (with dative) to spare, refrain from injuring.
gesto : to carry, bear about.
mica : crumb, morsel, grain.
polliceor : to promise, offer.
dedecus : shame, dishonor, disgrace, crime, dishonorable act.
ibi : there
senex senis : old, aged, old man.
quam plures : as many as possible.
peregrinus : wanderer, foreigner, stranger / pilgrim, crusader.
huius : (fem. sing. gen.) They are fond OF THIS (change).
quos : (masc. pl. acc.) those WHOM he accused of treachery.
intro : to walk into, enter, make one's way into.
fefello : to be failed by, disappointed by something. Herimann, p. 278.
eventus : consequence, issue, result, occurrence, experience.
levamentum : comfort, easing, alleviation, consolation.
quingenti : five hundred.
facillimus : easiest, most agreeable, pleasantest
admonitio : warning, reminder (insult - Herimann, p. 282).
longe : far.
crebro : repeatedly, often, one after the other, time after time.
insons insontis : guiltless, innocent.
extremus : outermost, last, extreme.
mactabilis : deadly, lethal.
consultum : decree.
nimium : (adv.) too much, overmuch, excessively.
praecelsus precelsus : exceedingly high.
nego : to deny.
lascivio : to run riot, play, be wanton.
semper : always, ever.
hodiernus : of today.
sophismata : false conclusions, logical fallacies.
furtificus : thievish.
excessum : departure, death, digression.
iacio : to throw, cast, hurl, lay, scatter, diffuse.
sumo : to take, choose, obtain, buy. / take for granted, assume.
firmo : to assert, maintain / strengthen, make firm / encourage.
thymbra : the herb savory.
consisto : (+ in) to depend on, rely on.
acerbitas : harshness, bitterness.
sapiens : wise, judicious.
theatrum : theater.
tumultus : uprising, disturbance, riot, tumult.
corrumpo : to break up, destroy, annihilate / spoil, weaken.
tertius : third.
phasma phasmatis : ghost, spirit, specter.
valde : intensely, very much, extremely, greatly
quadratus : square, a square.
nequeo : not to be able, to be impossible.
repens : sudden, unexpected, fresh, recent.
lenio : to mitigate, relieve, make better.
celo : to hide, conceal, keep secret.
expiscor : to fish out, find out, discover.
increpare : to rebuke, chide, scold.
Sanctus Eleutherius : St. Eligius.
nox noctis : night.
fides : trust, confidence, reliance, belief, faith.
infigo : to fix, fasten / to imprint, impress.
itero : to repeat, say again, iterate.
tenus : (after a name in abl. or gen.) up to, down to as far as.
scio : to know, understand.
omnino : altogether, entirely, wholly, certainly, completely.
laceratio : a tearing, mangling.
prognatus : born, sprung from / son.
quondam : formerly, once, at one time, erstwhile.
canonus : canon, member of a cathedral chapter or canonry, Augustinian.
Tungris : Tongres.
consulo : (+ dat.) look to the interests of / consult, ask advice.
praefoco prefoco : to choke, suffocate.
admiratio : wonder, astonishment, surprise, admiration.
satis : enough, sufficient / sufficiently.
identidem : again and again, repeatedly.
voro : to eat greedily, swallow up, consume, gorge oneself.
dubito : to doubt, hesitate.
pipio : to chirp, tweet, pipe.
iterum : again, a second time, once more.
fluctus : billow, wave.
dolose : slyly, deceitfully.
contabesco : to waste slowly away, decline in health.
corpus corporis : body, corpse.
diutius : longer, too long (a period of time).
consulo : to look to the interests of, come to a conclusion.
perscribo : to write out, write down, place on record.
sol solis : sun.
strenuus : brisk, active, vigorous / turbulent, restive.
peragro : to wander through, travel through.
quisquis : whoever, whatever, whatsoever, anything at all.
promereo promereor : to deserve, merit
feliciter : happily.
scriptor : writer, author, scribe.
imcomposite : adv from incompositus : incompositione in Herimann.
trepide : with trepidation, in confusion,
imperium : power to command, authority, command, rule, control.
flatus : blowing, blast, breathing, arrogance, haughtiness.
dulcitudo dulcitudinis : dum : while, as long as, until.
iste ista istud : that / sometimes pejorative.
novus : new, fresh, young, inexperienced, revived, refreshed.
potestas : power, ability, authority / opportunity.
compono : to put together, compose.
cognatus : (adj.) related by blood (noun) a relative, kinsman.
tabula : board, plank, gaming board, painted panel.
retribuo : to give again, give as due.
praeclarus preclarus : excellent, famous, beautiful, striking.
promissio : a promise
quid : (neut. of quis ) : what
misceo miscui mixtum : to mix, mingle, blend.
facio : to give permission / to experience, suffer (troubles).
scribo, scripsi scriptum : to write, compose.
praedico predico : to warn, admonish, instruct, foretell.
percontor percunctor : inquire, interrogate, investigate.
modio : a grain measure, a bushel basket.
diffama -tus : spread around, made known.
proprius : one's own, special, characteristic, particular.
nunc : now, at the present time.
quodammodo : in a certain way, in a certain measure.
simul atque : as soon as.
sollicitus : uneasy, worried, anxious, restless, agitated.
altus : high, deep.
invideo : to envy, be jealous of, look upon with envy.
indigeo : to require, need, stand in need of.
fruor : to have the benefit of, to enjoy.
perculsus : a shock.
epulo : sumptuous food, banquet, feast.
princeps : chief, prince.
aegresco egresco : to fall ill, become troubled, grow worse.
incurro : to run into, assail, attack, raid into, come upon.
intueor : to look at attentively, gaze at, consider.
innotesco, innotui : to become known.
no: (nare, navi) : to swim, float, fly, sail.
oporotheca : place for keeping fruit.
cetera : for the rest, otherwise
adfero affero : to bring news, report / apply, bring to bear.
eicio eiectum : to throw out, eject, drive out.
ut : (+ indic.) when, as.
laboro : (intrans.) to work, toil, suffer, be afflicted, be troubled.
foveo fovi fotum : to cherish.
querulus : complaining, whining, lamenting.
illa : (fem. sing. nom.) THAT (sword) is more expensive.
vulariter : in the common way, ordinary manner.
redarguo : disprove, refute. With gen. prove guilty, convict.
induco : bring in, introduce, induce, persuade / decide.
lentus : lethargic, inactive / slow, lingering.
neque nec : and not, nor.
periculum : danger, risk.
commodum : convenience, advantage, opportunity, comfort.
opus operis : work, labor, work done, completed work, building.
os, oris : mouth, face, countenance.
ubi : when, as soon as / wherein, whereby, whereas.
inflatius : too pompous / on a grander scale.
exhilaro : to make cheerful.
scelestus : wicked, accursed, infamous, criminal.
praeconor preconor : to be a public crier, to herald, proclaim.
curso : to run back and forth.
pueriliter : boyishly, childishly, foolishly.
claustrum : bolt, bar, prison, den, pen, enclosure / cloister.
muto : punish, fine, mulct.
pulchellus : pretty.
peritus : skilled, expert.
texo : the main verb for weaving of cloth.
hoc : (neut. sing. nom.) THIS (monastery) is well-built.
sic : so, thus / yes, that is so, that is right.
prodigiosus : unnatural, wonderful, miraculous, amazing.
solitudo solitudinis : loneliness, solitude.
contemno : to think meanly of, despise, condemn, hate.
devito : to avoid.
quemadmodum : how, in what manner.
nos : we / WE live and die by that creed.
infelix : unfruitful, barren, unproductive, infertile.
quo : (neut. sing. abl.) (the eagerness) THROUGH WHICH he died.
iaculum : dart, javelin, short spear.
deputo : to count, estimate / prune, cut off.
furor : madness, rage, frenzy.
obvius : on the way, in the way / (in dat.) open, accessible.
Insula : Lille.
patrocinor : to protect, defend, support, patronize.
aurum : gold.
lentitudo : slowness, apathy, sluggishness.
secundum : (+ inf.), following, after, during, according to.
proluo prolu prolutum : to wash away, wash clean.
persevero : to persist, persevere, continue.
prevenire : to come to, go before hand, attend.
plecto : to punish.
fugio : to flee, escape, run away / avoid, shun.
nomine tenus nominetenus : as far as the meaning of the word extends.
haud : no, not at all, by no means.
concupisco : to covet, aim at, desire eagerly.
ius iuris : justice, law, right.
bellus : beautiful, pretty, charming, handsome.
emiror : to wonder at exceedingly.
utilis : useful, advantageous, helpful.
urbs urbis : city.
pullulo : shoot up, sprout, burgeon.
opinio : opinion, report, rumor, conjecture, report.
gratia : in order to, for the sake of, to.
pro eo : because of the fact, because, for this reason..
cupido : passion, desire, wanting, yearning, longing.
tempestas : storm, weather.
mancipo : to sell formally, give up.
dedecor : unseemly, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable.
discedo : (discessum ) : to break up, depart, go away, pass away.
cubitum : the elbow / a cubit.
tres tria : three.
capio : to seize, take, choose / attack, injure / comprehend.
labiosus : having large lips.
loginquitas : distance, remoteness, isolation.
periurium : perjury, oath-breaking, forswearing an oath.
imputo : to lay to a charge, enter in an account, impute to.
cedo : to go, proceed / turn out, happen / go away, withdraw.
rideo risi risum : to laugh at, laugh.
scio : to know, understand.
me : (abl.) me / you'll do fine with ME, baby.
quercetum : an oak grove, and oak forest.
summa : the highest part / whole, sum.
opportunitatus : Herimann, cap. 42.
corrigo : (correctum) : to make correct, make right.
fortitudo : physical strength, courage, moral bravery.
expleo : to make losses good / fulfil, discharge (duties).
magnopere magnus opere : very, very much.
debilito : to weaken, enervate, sap, exhaust.
turpis : foul, ugly, disgraceful, morally corrupt.
infindo infidi infissum : to cut into.
laboriosus : toilsome, laborious / (persons) industrious, toiling.
possessio : possession, property.
quamobrem, quam ob rem : wherefore? why? for which reason.
cubicularius : bed-chamber servant, chamberlain.
inflammatio : setting afire / (people) inflaming / (souls) inspiring.
deficio : (defectum) : to fail, to weaken, to be in want.
infra : (+ acc.) below, under / (time) later than
operor : to work, labor, toil, take pains.
locus : place, location, situation, spot.
laetabilis letabilis : joyous, glad.
verbum : word.
pecunia : money.
recito : to read aloud, recite.
supernus : above, superior.
virtus : manliness, excellence, character, worth, courage.
profugus : fleeing, fugitive, banished, migratory.
lacrimosus : tearful, mournful, shedding tears,
ultio ultionis : avenging, punishment, revenge.
sceleratus : wicked, accursed, infamous, criminal.
lugeo : to mourn, be in mourning, grieve / (tans,) to lament, bewail.
sacrilegus : sacrilegious, impious.
faveo : (+ dat.) be favorable to, aid, support, help. fawning like that of a dog, cringing flattery.
nuper : newly, recently, not long ago.
doctor : teacher.
prae dulcis / pre dulcis : exceedingly sweet.
pateo : to be revealed, to stand open, to be clear, plain.
competo : to be appropriate, suitable, fit.
aranea : spider's web.
priscus : ancient, antique, former, old days, venerable.
ecclesia : church.
ovis ovis : sheep.
improbus : inferior, bad, wicked, persistent, perverse, bold.
prolix : long, stretching.
videlicet : it is clear / (adv.) clearly, plainly, namely.
comprehendo : to seize, arrest, take prisoner, catch red-handed.
longe lateque : far and wide.
accedo : to approach, come near / (things) to be added.
careo : (+ abl. of sep.) be without, be deprived of, lack, want.
obicio obieci obiectum : to offer, throw in someone's teeth.
illo : (masc. sing. abl.) He gave plenty FOR THAT (field).
exquisitus : sought after, exquisite, excellent, fine, delicate.
hora : hour, time.
consulo : to reflect, consider, ponder, reflect.
lenocinium : enticement, allurement.
nolo, nolle, nolui : to be unwilling, wish not to, refuse.
nutrio : to suckle, nourish, bring up, rear.
ordine, ordinem : regularly, appropriately, properly.
quicquid : whoever, whatever, whatsoever, anything at all.
illos : (masc. pl. acc.) They burned THOSE (houses) to the ground.
expeto : to fall upon.
leno : procurer, go-between.
laeve leve : left-handedly, awkwardly.
rependo : to ransom, pay back, requite.
macellarius : butcher, slaughter-house.
volubilis : (of speech) rapid, fluent, voluble.
lamentor : to weep, wail, lament / (trans.) to bewail.
succedo : to approach, submit, etc. etc.
discidium : separation, division, disagreement, tearing apart.
conicio : to hurl, throw / put together, conjecture.
amplexus : an embracing, surrounding, loving embrace, [euphemism] amplio : to enlarge, increase, improve.
quisnam, quidnam : who, what.
thalassinus : sea-green.
novo : to make anew, refresh, revive, change, alter, invent.
singultus : sobbing, gasping.
hypocrita : hypocrite
necessarius : necessary, needed, essential.
impleo : to fill in (or up), satisfy, content, fulfil, perform.
Rotomagense : Rouen.
suspendo suspendi suspensum : to suspend, hang.
devenio : to come to, arrive at, reach.
post : (+ acc.) after, behind.
expositus : open, accessible, exposed.
inops : poor, helpless, in need
exspecto : to look for, expect, await, wait for.
calamus : anything made or reed -- pen, arrow, pipe, etc.
articulus : (of time) a moment, crisis.
advenio : to come, arrive, reach.
perimo peremi peremptum : to destroy
positus : position, place, arrangment.
coadunatio : a gathering together, a summing up, a uniting.
cimentarius : mason?
suscito : to stir up, arouse, excite.
conitor : to press upon, to struggle to reach
in praesentia : for the present.
tepesco : to cool, grow lukewarm, decrease.

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Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
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