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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Some tweaks to how I say the Rosary

I found a few gems in Guardini’s book The Rosary of Our Lady.

First, the idea of pausing on the word “Jesus” to remember the current mystery: “…of thy womb Jesus. [Which mystery are we on again? Ah yes, the Annunciation.] Holy Mary, …”

Second, the idea of using the first three Hail Maries to think about Faith, Hope, and Love, respectively.

Third, the idea that we can focus on the mystery while reciting the Hail Mary, but not the Our Father: for this prayer, we should focus on the prayer itself.

For now, I’m leaving out some of the “extras”: the Fatima Prayer after each decade (“O my Jesus, …”), and the prayers after the final decade (“Hail Holy Queen”, “O God, whose only-begotten …”). I begin and end the Rosary with the Sign of the Cross.


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