Topical Memory System for Memorizing Scripture
There is a wonderful set of Bible verses called the "Topical Memory System" selected by our Protestant brethren at The Navigators (a Protestant organization). They are great verses to commit to memory (perhaps with the aid of flash cards or a microcassette recorder).
A. Live the New Life
Christ the Center II Cor 5:17 Gal 2:20
Obedience to Christ Rom 12:1 John 14:21
The Word II Tim 3:16 Josh 1:8
Prayer John 15:7 Phil 4:6,7
Fellowship Matt 18:20 Heb 10:24,25
Witnessing Matt 4:19 Rom 1:16
B. Proclaim Christ
Note: I'd recommend skipping Set B, which has a Protestant doctrinal emphasis.
All Have Sinned Rom 3:23 Isa 53:6
Sin's Penalty Rom 6:23 Heb 9:27
Christ Paid the Penalty Rom 5:8 I Pet 3:18
Salvation Not by Works Eph 2:8,9 Titus 3:5
Must Receive Christ John 1:12 Rev 3:20
Assurance of Salvation I John 5:13 John 5:24
C. Rely on God's Resources
His Spirit I Cor 3:16 I Cor 2:12
His Strength Isaiah 41:10 Phil 4:13
His Faithfulness Lam 3:22,23 Num 23:19
His Peace Isaiah 26:3 I Pet 5:7
His Provision Rom 8:32 Phil 4:19
His Help in Temptation Heb 2:18 Ps 119:9,11
D. Be Christ's Disciple
Put Christ First Matt 6:33 Luke 9:23
Separate from the World I John 2:15,16 Rom 12:2
Be Steadfast I Cor 15:58 Heb 12:3
Serve Others Mark 10:45 II Cor 4:5
Give Generously Prov. 3:9,10 II Cor 9:6,7
Develop World Acts 1:8 Matt 28:19,20
E. Grow in Christ-likeness
Love John 13:34,35 I John 3:18
Humility Phil 2:3,4 I Pet 5:5,6
Purity Eph 5:3 I Pet 2:11
Honesty Lev. 19:11 Acts 24:16
Faith Heb 11:6 Rom 4:20,21
Good Works Gal 6:9,10 Matt 5:16
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you for your website, which I just found today, and for your Topical Memory System for Memorizing Scripture. Regarding Column B, I noticed you suggest skipping over that Column. How about if you suggested some Scripture verses that solidly clarify the Catholic beliefs? I came to Christ 4 years ago, was baptized into the Episcopalian church 3 yearas ago, and am currently doing RCIA, hoping to be confirmed as a Catholic on Easter Sunday, 2014. I'd love some Catholic suggestions for Column B, as I've noticed that many Catholics don't seem to know the first thing to say, if they evangelize at all! Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm about Catholicism and God bless you.
meadowlark, at 12/08/2013 9:58 a.m.
Thanks meadowlark! That's a great idea. I'm not sure which verses to choose - hopefully someone can help us out here.
Jonathan, at 12/11/2013 5:46 a.m.
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